Scientific Communication Second Springer Nature Visiting Professorship
The visiting professorship for scientific communication, established in the winter term 2018/2019, is a joint initiative of the Veranstaltungsforum of the Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, the Klaus Tschira Foundation (KTS) and Ruperto Carola.
With KTS funding, experts are invited to impart in a specialised programme what constitutes high-quality reporting on scientific work and findings. At the same time, they are encouraged to initiate a broad-based discussion on new forms of exchange between science and the public.
With the establishment of the professorship, the three partners hope to sharpen awareness of the growing importance of good scientific communication. The visiting professorship is intended to aid society in shaping the future through science in the face of increasingly complex research.

A champion of excellent scientific communication and quality journalism is usually appointed as a guest professor each semester. Along with the furtherance these aims, young researchers are also trained to better communicate their research and findings to the public. The “Springer Nature Guest Professorship” is located at the Marsilius Kolleg of Ruperto Carola, which serves as a bridge between the scientific cultures in Heidelberg.
SECOND Springer Nature Visiting Professorship: Dagmar Röhrlich
Dagmar Röhrlich studied geology and geophysics. She works as a freelance journalist for radio and print media. Her radio features have been heard on WDR, Deutschlandfunk and Südwestrundfunk. For her radio work she was awarded the Georg von Holtzbrinck Prize for Science Journalism in 1999. Her radio feature “Die Suche nach anderen Erden - Vom Ursprung des Lebens” (The Search for Other Earths - From the Origin of Life) for WDR was awarded the RWTH Prize for Science Journalism in 2003. In January 2012 she received the award “Science Journalist of the Year” from the medium magazin of Oberauer Verlag. In 2010, Röhrlich worked as “Goethe Writer in Residence” at the University of British Columbia, where she conducted research for the “Census of Marine Life” and held seminars at the Institute of Journalism.

The 2nd Springer Nature Visiting Professorship will kick off with a fireside chat on 18 November 2019.
Workshops: 20.11. - 28.12.2019
Workshop 1
How to become a good interview partner
Workshop 2
Deutungsmacht und Brückenschlag: Wie sich Natur-, Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften gemeinsam in die großen gesellschaftlichen Diskussionen unserer Zeit einbringen können
Workshop 3
How do good press conferences work?
Workshop 4
Wissenschaftskommunikation für Umweltwissenschaftler*innen
Public Evening Lecture
1 January 2020, 18 h
Great Hall of the Old University
Workshops: 22.1. – 30.1.2020
Workshop 5
Wissenschaft in öffentlichen Diskursen
Mit Sachlichkeit der zunehmenden Emotionalisierung begegnen?
Workshop 6
Wissenschaftskommunikation im Wandel – veränderte Berufsperspektiven für Akademiker*innen
Workshop 7
Wie werde ich ein*e gute*r Interviewpartner*in?
Workshop 8
Wie funktionieren gute Pressekonferenzen?