Pillar 2 - Entrepreneurial Skills Changing Modules
Innovation for Future? Opportunities for Accelerating Climate Action
The seminar “Innovation for Future? Opportunities for Accelerating Climate Action” focuses on how a change in social, political, economic, and technological innovation can make significant advances towards a more sustainable society and effective climate action. The goal of the seminar is to shed light on the opportunities and challenges of concepts such as circular bioeconomy, restorative and regenerative development, and technological progress. Participants will be discussing political, societal, and economic framework conditions and factors on innovation, to then turn their theories into action by going through an innovation management process and developing feasible solutions, which will lead to short pitches in the end. The seminar starts on October 24, 2024.
Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management University Diploma
As part of the 4EU+ European University Alliance, partner universities Sorbonne, Milan, Paris, Warsaw, Copenhagen and Heidelberg are offering a diploma on "Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Project Management". The diploma is designed for recently graduated students who want to use their expertise and energy for an innovative project and who want to learn how to work in a team and be introduced to a multidisciplinary approach. The program that takes place for one academic year conveys entrepreneurial and project management skills in order to work for a big company, to join a start-up or to be involved into the development of an association or an organization committed into e.g. social economy or ecological transition. It starts on November 20, 2024 and mostly takes place online. Participants will acquire 5 ECTS points. The online application period starts on August 28, 2024 and the registration deadline is September 29, 2024.