Frequently asked questions Advanced training

Who can join the Entrepreneurial skills courses?

Every member of Heidelberg University as well as external persons who are interested in the topic of entrepreneurship, startup, innovations or would like to further educate themselves in the area of entrepreneurial skills can register for the courses. We welcome people from any field of expertise.

Entrepreneurial Skills

Are the courses free of charge? 

The courses are completely free of charge for all students of Heidelberg University. If you are an employee scientist at DKFZ, EMBL, Max-Planck and ZI, you can also attend the courses free of charge due to the negotiated partnerships. Students of the PH Heidelberg also have access to LSF and are entitled to participate free of charge. All other external interested parties have to get access to LSF and Moodle via the guest auditor registration

Do the courses take place every semester? 

The basis courses Entrepreneurship for Beginners 1 and 2 are taking place every semester. Most other courses are only every other semester. The course overview can be found in LSF and is constantly updated.

Do I have to complete the entire certificate or can I participate in courses individually? 

The courses can also be taken individually. Only in the course Entrepreneurship for Beginners 2 basic knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship is advantageous. The Startup Lab course can only be taken with a business idea.  

Do I receive ECTS for taking the courses? 

Yes, you will receive ECTS for taking the courses as long as you meet the prerequisites. The extent to which the ECTS will be credited to your degree program depends on your choice of subjects. As a rule, however, they can be credited in the higher-level competencies. Please check this with your responsible examination office.

Do I need previous knowledge to participate in the courses?  

No, however we might recommend participating in the course Entrepreneurship for Beginners 1 before starting Entrepreneurship for Beginners 2.  

Who is my main contact? 

Amelie Vermeer is responsible for the conceptual organization. If you have general questions about the certificate, you can contact her. If you have questions regarding the course, please contact the course director, who is mentioned in LSF.

How good do my English skills need to be? 

A2 level is sufficient for participation in the courses. The course instructors speak German, so that questions can also be clarified in German if necessary. 

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