MAThematics Center Heidelberg (Archive)
Developing Mathematical Methods for Other Disciplines
Mathematics is a traditionally strong subject in Heidelberg with a great potential for interdisciplinary cooperation. It is strongly linked to physics and chemistry, to the biosciences and computer science, particularly through the joint Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) - a related, application-oriented institution that is highly attractive to both students and researchers. The centre contributes to the development of new mathematical, numerical and computer science methods for the natural sciences and humanities.
The measures implemented under the heading "MAThematics Center Heidelberg“ (MATCH) within the framework of the Excellence Initiative focus on the continued development of the five mathematical research areas "Arithmetic and Algebra", "Topology and Geometry", "Applied Analysis and Mathematical Modelling", "Numerics and Optimisation" and "Statistics and Stochastics". The purpose of MATCH is to strengthen interdisciplinary cooperation and promote the application of mathematical methods in subjects such as the biosciences, medicine or economics.
To achieve this goal, the University has re-staffed professorships in advance, established junior research groups with a tenure track option and created new positions for postdoctoral researchers. The University has also launched a new integration and internationalisation programme to intensify the exchange of information across subject and national boundaries.
Professorships staffed in advance:
Prof. Dr. Gebhard Böckle
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Institute for Mathematics (MI)
Prof. Dr. Mark Podolskij
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Institute for Applied Mathematics (IAM) · Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR)
Prof. Dr. Alexander Schmidt
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Institute for Mathematics (MI)