Lisa Moises
In 2013, Lisa Moises worked as research associate at the department of human geography. From 2006 to 2012 she studied Geography and German philology at the University of Heidelberg and graduated in 2012. During her studies, she has already been working as student assistant for the department where she was involved in works on Society-Nature-Relations, Political Geography and discourse theory/analyses.
Currently, the research focus of Lisa Moises lies at the interface of society and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), including the Internet. The latter are increasingly regarded as a suitable tool for compensating traditional infrastructural deficits and needs. However, their uptake is also held responsible for the creation of new socioeconomic inequalities, often subsumed as digital divides. In her thesis, Lisa Moises examined which bottlenecks as well as opportunities ICTs create in contemporary tertiary education (in South Africa). She searched for digital divides at micro level, and evaluated how these can be bridged. While her focus was on South Africa, the results are intended to serve as an example for other low and middle income countries on the African continent. Her empirical research undertaken in South Africa was granted by the German Academic Exchange Service and conducted in cooperation with the German Development Institute, University of Pretoria and Tshwane University of Technology.
Fields of research
- Global Digital Divide
- ICT4D, especially questions of ICTs for global competitiveness and social development
- ICTs and (higher) education (ICT4E)
- Political Geography and Social Geography
- Seminar
Conflicts on power and space from the perspective of human geography
(winter term 2013/14) - Seminar
Asymmetric power relations in a globalized world
(summer term 2013)
Moises, L. (2012): Digital Divide or Digital Difference? The Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on the Quality of Higher Education in South Africa. (unpublished)