Program of "Clashes of Knowledge"
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Friday, April 21, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Introduction: The Nexus of Knowledge and Space
Peter Meusburger (Geography), University of Heidelberg (Germany)
Session 1: Borders and Territories of Knowledge
Chair: Harry Collins (Sociology), University of Cardiff (UK)
The Demarcation Problem of Knowledge and Faith: Questions and Answers of Theology
Michael Welker (Theology), University of Heidelberg (Germany)
Coffee Break
Boundary-Work and Science
Thomas Gieryn (Sociology), Indiana University, Bloomington (USA)
Scientism: Salvation in the Name of Science?
Mikael Stenmark (Philosophy), University of Uppsala (Sweden)
General Discussion
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Session 2: Regime Changes of Knowledge Systems
Chair: Michael Welker (Theology), University of Heidelberg (Germany)
The Role of Alexander von Humboldt in the Emancipation of Science from Religion
Nicolaas Rupke (History), University of Göttingen (Germany)
Science and Religion in Popular Publishing in Nineteenth-Century Britain
Aileen Fyfe (History), National University of Ireland, Galway (Ireland)
Coffee Break
Reason, Faith and Gnosis: Three Knowledge Systems and Their Struggle for Hegemony in the Course of European History
Wouter Hanegraaff (Religious Studies), University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
A Religious Resurgence? The Restructuring of the Religious Field in Eastern Europe after the Collapse of Communism
Detlef Pollack (Sociology), University of Frankfurt/Oder (Germany)
General Discussion
Friday, April 21, 2006
Session 3: Creativity & Economics
Chair: Klaus Fiedler (Psychology), University of Heidelberg (Germany)
The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance – the State of Art after 50 Years of Research
Peter Fischer (Psychology), University of Munich (Germany)
Coffee Break
When Prophecy Fails and Faith Persists: A Theoretical and Empirical Overview
Lorne L. Dawson (Sociology), University of Waterloo, Ontario (Canada)
Turning Persuasion from an Art into a Science
Robert Cialdini (Psychology), Arizona State University (USA)
General Discussion
Session 4: Heterodox vs. Orthodox Knowledge in Religion
Chair: Gregor Ahn (Religious Studies), University of Heidelberg (Germany)
How do Modern European Societies Deal with New Religious Movements?
Eileen Barker (Sociology of Religion), London School of Economics (UK)
Coffee Break
When Faiths Collide: the Case of Fundamentalism
Roger W. Stump (Geography), State University of New York (USA)
General Discussion
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Session 5: Heterodox vs. Orthodox Knowledge in Science
Chair: Eberhard Bauer (Psychology), University of Freiburg (Germany)
The Clash Between Heterodoxies and Orthodoxies in Science: A Sociology of Science Perspective
Harry Collins (Sociology), University of Cardiff (UK)
Unconventional Ideas in Science: Ready for the Nobel Prize Award, or Sent to the Hell of Heretics? Experiences in the Hall of Scientific Fame
Brian Josephson (Physics), University of Cambridge (UK)
Coffee Break
Panel Discussion and General Discussion
Final Discussion on the Perspectives of Interdisciplinary Research projects on "Knowledge and Space: Clashes of Knowledge”
Moderator: Peter Meusburger (Geography), University of Heidelberg (Germany)