Participants of "Ethnic and Cultural Dimensions of Knowledge"
- Antweiler, Christoph (Cultural Anthropology), University of Bonn (Germany)
- Davis, Diana K. (Geography), University of California (USA)
- George J. Sefa Dei (Sociology and Equity Studies), University of Toronto (Canada)
- Desbiens, Caroline (Geography), Université Laval, Québec (Canada)
- Fairclough, Adam (History), Leiden University (Netherlands)
- Freytag, Tim (Geography), University of Heidelberg (Germany)
- Gamerith, Werner (Geography), University of Passau (Germany)
- Gould, William (Geography), University of Liverpool (United Kingdom)
- Mgbeoji, Ikechi (Law), York University, Toronto (Canada)
- Mishra, Ramesh C. (Psychology), Banaras Hindu University (India)
- Nüsser, Marcus (Geography), University of Heidelberg (Germany)
- Schlee, Günther (Anthropology), Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology (Germany)
- Senft, Gunter (Linguistics), Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen (Netherlands)
- Sillitoe, Paul (Anthropology), Durham University (United Kingdom)
- Smith, Gregory (Education), Lewis & Clark College, Portland (USA)
- Wiesmann, Urs (Geography), University of Bern (Switzerland)
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