Participants of "Geographies of Science"
- Bargmann, Jay (Architecture), Vinoly Architects PC (USA)
- Bravo, Michael (Geography), University of Cambridge (Great Britain)
- Checkovich, Alex (History and Sociology of Science), University of Virginia (USA)
- Demeritt, David (Geography), King´s College London (Great Britain)
- Eden, Sally (Geography), University of Hull (Great Britain)
- Färber, Alexa (Anthropology), University of Berlin (Germany)
- Jöns, Heike (Geography), University of Loughborough (Great Britain)
- Liebert, Wolf-Andreas (Linguistics), University of Koblenz-Landau (Germany)
- Livingstone, David (Geography), Queen’s University Belfast (Northern Ireland)
- Maasen, Sabine (Sociology), University of Munich (TUM) (Germany)
- Shrum, Wesley (Sociology), Louisiana State University (USA)
- Stehr, Nico (Sociology), Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen (Germany)
- Stichweh, Rudolf (Sociology), University of Luzern (Switzerland)
- Vasudevan, Alexander (Geography), University of Nottingham (Great Britain)
- Weichhart, Peter (Geography), University of Vienna (Austria)
- Whatmore, Sarah (Geography), University of Oxford (UK)
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