Program of "Geographies of Schooling"
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Friday, September 16, 2016
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Welcome Address and Introduction to the Symposium (09:30)
Peter Meusburger, Department of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany)
Session 1: Regional and Local Governance of Schooling I
Chair: Caroline Kramer (Human Geography and Geoecology), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany)
Territorial Governance of Schooling in Shrinking Regions (10:00)
Holger Jahnke (Geography), University of Flensburg (Germany)
Coffee Break (11:00)
From Republican Spaces of Schooling to Educational Territories, Local Educational Policies and Regimes in Post-decentralized France (11:30)
David Giband (Geography), University of Perpignan (France)
Lunch (12:30)
Session 2: Regional and Local Governance of Schooling II
Chair: Ferenc Gyuris (Human Geography), Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary)
School Autonomy Policies and the Changing Governance of Schooling (13:30)
Herbert Altrichter (Educational Science), Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria)
Coffee Break (14:30)
Local Educational Landscapes in Germany – Interfaces and Interlacings Between Education Policy and Urban Development (15:00)
Thomas Coelen (Educational Science, Psychology), University of Siegen (Germany)
General Discussion (16:00)
Dinner at the restaurant “Backmulde” in the historic town of Heidelberg (19:00)
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Session 3: The Smaller the Better? Small Schools vs. Large Schools Within Their Local Systems
Chair: Sarah Holloway (Human Geography), Loughborough University (UK)
Bigger or Better? Research Based Reflections on the Localisation of Small Rural schools In Norway – Meta Perspectives on Research Questions, Theory, Design and Research Methods (9:15)
Rune Kvalsund (Educational Science), Volda University College (Norway)
Rural Schooling and the Micro-Politics of Community: The English Rural Headteacher (10:15)
Sam Hillyard (Sociology) and Carl Bagley (Educational Science), Durham University (UK)
Coffee Break (11:15)
A Multilevel View on Small Schools. After 25 Years, a Second Glance at Changing Systems in Baden-Württemberg and Vorarlberg (11:45)
Caroline Kramer (Human Geography and Geoecology), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany)
Lunch (12:45)
Session 4: Schools in and for Society
Chair: Rune Kvalsund (Educational Science), Volda University College (Norway)
Small Rural Schools in Austria with a Special Profile – The Metamorphosis of Small Village Schools into Marketplaces of Education? (13:30)
Andrea Raggl (Educational Science), University of Teacher Education Vorarlberg (Austria)
“School Means Friendship to me" – A Child-Centred Perspective on Schools and Neighbourhoods (14:30)
Christian Reutlinger (Social Pedagogy and Social Work), FHS St. Gallen, University of Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
Coffee Break (15:30)
'Alternative' Education Spaces and Local Community Connections: A Case Study of care Farming in the UK (16:00)
Peter Kraftl (Human Geography), University of Birmingham (UK)
General Discussion (17:00)
Optional: Dinner at a restaurant in the historic town of Heidelberg (20:00)
Friday, September 16, 2016
Session 5: School Systems in a Spatial and Historical Perspective I
Chair: Andrea Raggl (Educational Science), University of Teacher Education Vorarlberg (Austria)
Ideology, Spatial Planning, and Rural Schools: From Interwar to Communist Hungary (9:15)
Ferenc Gyuris (Human Geography), Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary)
Planning of School Network in Poland: Historical and Contemporary Legacies, Local Policies and Contexts (10:15)
Artur Bajerski (Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management), Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland)
Coffee Break (11:15)
Adolescent Engagement in Learning: Schools that work (11:45)
Anne Sliwka (Educational Science), Heidelberg University (Germany)
Lunch (13:00)
Session 6: School Systems in a Spatial and Historical Perspective II
Chair: Sam Hillyard (Sociology), Durham University (United Kingdom)
Changing Positions of Elementary Schools Between the State and Communities in Czechia (14:00)
Silvie R. Kučerová (Geography), Jan Evangelista Purkyne University (Czechia)
Coffee Break (15:00)
Schooling Society (15:30)
Fabian Kessl (Educational Science), University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
General Discussion in the garden (if the weather allows) (16:30)
Optional: Dinner at a pub in Handschuhsheim (20:00)
Saturday, September 17, 2015
Session 7: The (Geo-)Politics of Schooling
Chair: Holger Jahnke (Geography), University of Flensburg (Germany)
The Geopolitics of National Exclusion in Provincial Education (9:15)
Laura Schaefli (Geography), Queen's University (Canada)
Schools, Families and Social Reproduction (10:15)
Sarah Holloway (Human Geography), Loughborough University (UK)
Coffee Break (11:15)
Geopolitical Framings of Subalterity in Education I: Compounding a Neoliberalized Welfare State (11:45)
Ranu Basu (Geography), York University (Canada)
Lunch (13:00)
Concluding Discussion (14:00)
Chair: Holger Jahnke (Geography), University of Flensburg (Germany) and Caroline Kramer (Human Geography and Geoecology), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany)