Wolfgang Stinnesbeck

Biostratigraphie und Paläoökologie

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stinnesbeck



Institut für Geowissenschaften


Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg


Im Neuenheimer Feld 234 / Raum 215


D-69120 Heidelberg


0049 (0)6221-54 6057


Sprechzeiten: Di-Do 14-15 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung


Forschungsstelle Biodiversität:



  • Evolution and Biodiversität

  • Massenaussterben und deren Erholung

  • Meeresspiegel- und globale Klimaschwankungen und deren Einfluss in die Biodiversität

  • Fossil-Lagerstätten

  • Zeitliche Veränderungen in fossilen Ökosystemen



  • Vorsitzender des Prüfungsausschusses




  • Konzentrat-Lagerstätten mesozoischer Meeresreptilien werden derzeit in Gomez Farias in Coahuila, Nordost-Mexiko (Tithonium, Ober-Jura) und im Torres del Paine Nationalpark in Süd-Chile (Unter-Kreide) bearbeitet.


  • Das Monster von Aramberri. Dieser riesige Pliosaurier wurde 1985 in der Sierra Madre Oriental in Nordost-Mexiko entdeckt und wird seit 2000 ausgegraben. Die Untersuchungen dauern an.


  • Die Dinosaurier Nordost-Mexikos sind verglichen mit anderen nordamerikanischen Fundstellen bisher wenig bekannt. Fährtenplatten und die Skelettfunde von mindestens 15 Exemplaren werden in Coahuila in einer neue Lokalität aus der späten Oberkreide (Campanium) untersucht.


  • Das Massensterben am Ende der Kreidezeit verlief für zahlreiche Organismengruppen graduell und setzte lange vor der Kreide/Tertiär (K/T)-Grenze ein. Die Gründe hierfür sind komplex. Bei dem bekannten Chicxulub-Asteroidenimpakt aus Yucatan handelt es sich wohl um einen Einschlag vor der K/T-Grenze.


  • Unterwasserhöhlen (Cenotes) auf Yucatan in Südmexiko enthalten umfangreiches Skelettmaterial von Tieren und Menschen aus dem Übergang zwischen Pleistozän und Holozän.  Wir untersuchen diese Funde und die damaligen Umweltveränderungen.


  • Paläobiologie und Paläoökologie kreidezeitlicher Riffe. Hochauflösende 3D-Rekonstruktionen (Schleiftomographie) erlauben detaillierte Einblicke in die Umweltbedingungen, Populationsdynamik, und Reproduktionsmuster von Rudistenökosystemen beiderseits des Atlantiks.



  • Museale Umsetzung. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Staatlichen Museum für Naturkunde in Karlsruhe und Museen in Mexiko werden unsere Funde laufend einer breiten Öffentlichkeit präsentiert.


Diplom-/Bachelor-/Masterarbeiten / Dissertationen:



  • Vorlesungen

    • allgemeine Paläontologie und Paläontologie der Invertebraten

    • Biostratigraphie

    • Erdgeschichte

    • Karbonate

    • Fossillagerstätten

    • regionale Geologie von SW-Deutschland

  • Geländeübungen

    • Mexiko

    • Deutschland

  • Seminare

    • Massensterben

    • Fossillagerstätten


biographische Angaben:

  • since 4/2007: Professor of Geology and Palaeontology, University of Heidelberg, Germany

  • 9/1996-3/2007: Professor of Geology and Paleontology, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

  • 4/1987-8/1996: Professor of Paleontology, Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Linares, Mexico

  • 1986-4/1987: Postdoctoral Scholar, RWTH Aachen

  • 1986    PhD at University of Bonn




In press

FREY, E. & STINNESBECK, W.: Mexican Pterosaurs – rare jewels in the fossil record. In: Héctor E. Rivera-Sylva, Kenneth Carpenter & Eberhard Frey (eds.): Dinosaurs and other Reptiles from the Mesozoic of Mexico – Indiana Press.

FREY, E. & STINNESBECK, W.: Mexican ichthyosaurs. In: Héctor E. Rivera-Sylva, Kenneth Carpenter & Eberhard Frey (eds.): Dinosaurs and other Reptiles from the Mesozoic of Mexico – Indiana Press.

FREY, E. & STINNESBECK, W.: Plesiosaurs, reptiles between grace and awe. In: Héctor E. Rivera-Sylva, Kenneth Carpenter & Eberhard Frey (eds.): Dinosaurs and other Reptiles from the Mesozoic of Mexico– Indiana Press.

Fuchs, D., IBa, Y. IFRIM, C.; Nishimura, T., Kennedy, J., KEUPP, H. Stinnesbeck, W. & TANABE, K. Longibelus n. gen., a new Cretaceous coleoid genus linking Belemnoidea and early Decabrachia. Palaeontology

IFRIM, C. & STINNESBECK, W.: Ammonoids from the Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) at El Zancudo, Nuevo Leon. – Boletin de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana

IFRIM, C., STINNESBECK, W. & FLORES VENTURA, J.: Cephalopods from the Campanian (late Cretaceous) at Union y Progreso, Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico. – Journal of Paleontology

LEPPE, M., MIHOC, M., VARELA, N., STINNESBECK. W. MANSILLA, H., BIERMA H., CISTERNA, K., FREY, E. & JUJIHARA, T.: Evolution of the Austral-Antarctic flora during the Cretaceous: New insights from a paleobiogeographic perspective. – Revista Chilena de Historia Natural

SALAZAR, C. & STINNESBECK, W.: Ammonites from the Baños del Flaco Formation (Tithonian-Hauterivian?) in central Chile. - Palaeontology

STINNESBECK, W & FREY, E.: Paleogeography and Paleoenvironment of Mexico during the Mesozoic In: Héctor E. Rivera-Sylva, Kenneth Carpenter & Eberhard Frey (eds.): Dinosaurs and other Reptiles from the Mesozoic of Mexico – Indiana Press.

STINNESBECK, W. & FREY, E.: The Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in Mexico. In: Héctor E. Rivera-Sylva, Kenneth Carpenter & Eberhard Frey (eds.): Dinosaurs and other Reptiles from the Mesozoic of Mexico – Indiana Press.


FREY, E., ELGIN, R., STINNESBECK, W., PADILLA GUTIERREZ, J.M., GIERSCH, S. & GONZALEZ GONZALEZ, A.H. (2012): A new specimen of nyctosaurid pterosaur, cf. Muzquizopteryx sp. from the Late Cretaceous of northeast Mexico. – Revista de la Sociedad geológica Mexicana, v. 29 (1), p. 131-139.

MANSILLA, H.G., DE VALAIS, S., STINNESBECK, W., VARELA, N.A., LEPPE, M.A. (2012): New Avian tracks from the Lower to middle Eocene at Fossil Hill, King George Island, Antarctica. – Antarctic Sciences 2012, p. 1-7, doi: 10.1017/S0954102012000260

PARDO, J., FREY, E., STINNESBECK, W. & FERNANDEZ M.S., RIVAS, L., SALAZAR, C. & LEPPE, M. (2012): An ichthyosaurian forefin from the Lower Cretaceous Zapata Formation of southern Chile: implications for morphological variability within Platypterygius.  - Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 92 (1), p. 287-294. doi: 10.1007/s12549-012-0074-8.

STINNESBECK, W. (2012): Prólogo. – p. 11-13. In: Museo del Desierto. AHMSA, Mexico,187 p.

STINNESBECK, W., IFRIM, C. & SALAZAR, C. (2012): The last Cretaceous ammonites in Latin America. – Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 57 (4), p. 717-728.


IFRIM, C., VEGA, F. & STINNESBECK, W. (2011): Epizoic stramentid cirripedes on ammonites from Mexican Late Cretaceous platy limestones. – Journal of Paleontology, 85(3), p. 526-538.

GIERSCH, S., FREY, E., IFRIM, C., STINNESBECK, W. & PADILL GUTIERREZ, J.M. (2011): Scombroclupea occidentalis n.sp. (Clupeiformes, Teleostei) from the Late Cretacous (Cenomanian) plattenkalk deposits of Coahuila (NE Mexico). – Swiss Journal of Geosciences 104 (Suppl.1): 73-84. DOI 10.1007/s00015-011-0079-8.

IFRIM, C., GÖTZ, S. & STINNESBECK, W. (2011): Fluctuations of the oxygen-minimum-zone reflected by synchronous abundance changes in planktonic foraminifers and inoceramids (Lower Turonian, Vallecillo, Mexico (2011). – Geology, 39(11), p. 1043-1046.

GÖTZ, S., BENGTSON, P., CUETO BERCIANO, F.J. & STINNESBECK, W. (eds.) (2011): 22nd International Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences, Abstracts and Programme. – GAEA heidelbergensis, 18, 232 pp.

RIVERA-SILVA, H., FREY, E., GÚZMAN-GUTIERREZ, J.R., PALOMINO-SANCHEZ, F. & STINNESBECK, W. (2011): The first Deinosuchus rugosus (Eusuchia, Alligatoridae) from Coahuila, Mexico. – Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, vol. 28(2), p. 267-274.

STINNESBECK, W. (2011): Die Besiedlung von Amerika: Späteiszeitliche Funde in den Höhlen Yucatans, Süd-Mexiko. – Ruperto Carola (Heidelberg), 1/2011, p. 16-23


FUCHS, D., STINNESBECK, W., IFRIM, C., GIERSCH, S., PADILLA GUTIERREZ, J.M., FREY, E., 2010. Glyphiteuthis rhinophora n. sp., a trachyteuthidid (Coleoidea, Cephalopoda) from the Cenomanian (Late Cretaceous) of Mexico. – Paläontologische Zeitschrift, DOI 10.1007/s12542-12010-10066-12549.

GIERSCH, S., FREY, E., STINNESBECK, W. & GONZALEZ GONZALEZ, A.H. (2010): Pachyrhizodus caninus Cope 1872 (Teleostei, Crossognathiformes) from the early Turonian of Vallecillo (Mexico). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, 258(2), 219-228.

GONZALEZ GONZALEZ, A.H., TERRAZAS MATA, A., BENAVENTE, M., AVILES, J., ACEVES NUÑES & STINNESBECK, W. (2010): La Arqueología subacuática y el poblamiento de América. – Arqueología Mexicana, vol. 18, núm. 105, p. 53-57.

GONZÁLEZ, A. H., STINNESBECK, W., TERRAZAS, A., BENAVENTE, M. E., TOLEDO, M. J., PADILLA J. M. & LOCKLEY, M. (2010): Human footprints preserved in travertine from Cuatro Ciénegas, NE Mexico. pp. 51-57, in: IV Simposio Internacional El hombre temprano en América J. C. Jiménez López, C., Serrano Sánchez, A., González González & F. J. Aguilar (Eds.). Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia; Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, UNAM, & Museo del Desierto. México. 268 pp.

IFRIM, C & STINNESBECK, W. (2010): Migration pathways of the late Campanian and Maastrichtian ammonite Sphenodiscus in North America. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 292, p.96-102

IFRIM C., STINNESBECK, W. & RODRÍGUEZ GARZA, R. (2010): Hemipelagic cephalopods from the Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) Parras Basin at La Parra, Coahuila, Mexico, with revision of the stratigraphy of the Difunta Group. – Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 29, p.597-618.

IFRIM, C., GIERSCH, S., GONZALEZ GONZALEZ, A.H., STINNESBECK, W., FREY, E. & LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G. (2010): The Turonian platy limestone at Vallecillo, Nuevo León, Mexico, and its fishes. – Fifth International Meeting on Mesozoic Fishes – Global diversity and evolution. – Abstract Book and Field Guides, Saltillo, p. 119-134.

SALAZAR-SOTO, C., STINNESBECK, W. & QUINZIO-SINN. L.A. (2010): Ammonites from the Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) Quiriquina Formation in central Chile Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie 257/2, p. 181-236.

SCHULTZE, H.-P., FUCHS, D., GIERSCH, S., IFRIM, C. & STINNESBECK, W. (2010): Palaeoctopus pelagicus from the Turonian of Mexico reinterpreted as a coelacanth (Sarcopterygian) gular plate. – Palaeontology, vol. 53, p.689-694.

STINNESBECK, W., FREY, E. & LEPPE, M. (2010): The Ichthyosaur Cemetary – German Research – Magazine of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1, 2010, 22-25.


GONZALEZ GONZALEZ, A.H., PADILLA GUTIERREZ, J.M., STINNESBECK, W. & MEDELLIN, R. (2009): Huellas de la vida – Un viaje por la historia de nuestro planeta. – Editorial Porrúa, 99 pp. (ISBN: 978-607-09-0259-8).

STINNESBECK, W. & FREY, E. (2009): Agua labrada en roca – México: lo que rocas calcáreas del cretáceo revelan sobre el “ecosistema mar“. – Investigación y Ciencia, abril 2009, suplemento, p. 4-5.

2009STINNESBECK, W., FREY, E. & LEPPE, M. (2009): Friedhof der Fischsaurier - Forschung – Das Magazin der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, 3, , 20-23.


FUCHS, D., IFRIM, C. & STINNESBECK, W.: Palaeoctopus pelagicus nov. spec. (Cephalopoda, Coleoidea) from the Late Cretaceous of Vallecillo, north-eastern Mexico, and its implications on the origin of the Octopoda. – Palaeontology, 51(5), p.1129-1139

GONZALEZ GONZALEZ, A.H., ROJAS SANDOVAL, C., TERRAZAS MATA, A. BENAVENTE SANVICENTE, M., STINNESBECK, W., AVILÉS OLGUÍN, J., DEL RIO LARA, O. & AVEVEZ NUNEZ, E.,  (2008): The Arrival of Humans on the Yucatan Peninsula: Evidence from submerged Caves in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico. - Current Research in the Pleistocene, vol. 25, p. 1-24.

GONZALEZ GONZALEZ, A.H., ROJAS SANDOVAL, C., AVEVEZ NUNEZ, E., AVILÉS OLGUÍN, ANALCO RAMÍREZ, S., DEL RIO LARA, O., LUNA ERREGUERENA, P., VELAZQUEZ MORLET, A., STINNESBECK, W.,  TERRAZAS MATA, A. & BENAVENTE SANVICENTE, M. (2008): Evidence of Early Inhabitants in Submerged Caves in Yucatan, Mexico. – pp. 127-142, In: M.E. LESHIKAR-DENTON & P. LUNA ERREGUERENA, eds.,, Underwater and Maritime Archaeology in Latin America and the Caribbean, One World Archaeology Series, 56, Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA.

IFRIM, C. & STINNESBECK, W. (2008) Cenomanian-Turonian high resolution biostratigraphy of north-eastern Mexico and ist correlation with the GSSP and Europe. – Cretaceous Research, vol. 29, p. 943-956.

IFRIM C., STINNESBECK W. & FREY E. (2008) Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian – Turonian and Turonian – Coniacian) open marine Plattenkalk-deposits in NE Mexico. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen, vol. 245/1, S. 71-81.

LEPPE, M. & STINNESBECK, W. (2008): Ictiosaurios de Torres del Paine: proyecto internacional para estudiar los señores del mar jurásico. – Boletín Antárctico Chileno, vol. 27 (1), p. 11-12.

LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G., ADATTE, T. & STINNESBECK, W. (2008): Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous of Huasteca-Potrero de García, N.L. - Field Trip Guide Book; II Simposio Geocientífico Internacional, Linares, N.L., México, 36 p.

STINNESBECK, W. (2008): Massensterben von Dinosauriern & Co. am Ende der Kreidezeit: Auf der Suche nach dem großen Knall. – Biologie in unserer Zeit 2008(4), p. 256-263.

STINNESBECK, W. & Frey, E. (2008): Wasser, in Stein gemeißelt – Mexico: Was Kalke aus der Kreidezeit über das Ökosystem Meer verraten. – Beilage zum DFG-Magazin Forschung, Ausgabe 4, 4-5.

STINNESBECK, W., LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G., FREY, E., IFRIM, C. & GIERSCH, S. (2008): Comment on „The oldest stratigraphic record of the Late Cretaceous shark Ptychodus mortoni Agassiz, from Vallecillo, Nuevo León, northeastern Mexico. – Revista de Ciencias Geologias, vol.25, núm.2, p.365-366.


BUCHY, M.-C., FREY, E., STINNESBECK, W. & LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G.  (2007): Cranial anatomy of a Maastrichtian mosasaur (Squamata, Mosasauridae) from north-east Mexico. – Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, vol. 24(1), p. 89-103.

BUCHY, M.-C., STINNESBECK W., FREY E. & GONZÁLEZ GONZÁLEZ A.H. (2007): First occurrence of the genus Dakosaurus (Crocodyliformes, Thalattosuchia) in the late Jurassic of Mexico. – Bulletin Soc. Geol. France, 178(5), p. 391-397.

IFRIM, C. & STINNESBECK, W. (2007): Early Turonian (late Cretaceous) ammonites from Vallecillo, north-eastern Mexico: taxonomy, biostratigraphy and palaeobiogeographic significance. – Cretaceous Research 28, S. 642-664.

KELLER, G., ADATTE, T., TANTAWY, A.A. BERNER, Z., STINNESBECK, W., STÜBEN, D. & LEANZA, H.A. (2007): Late Maastrichtian Paleoenvironment and K-T transition in the Neuquén Basin, Argentina. – Cretaceous Research 28, S. 939-960.

SCHAFHAUSER, A., GÖTZ, S.. & STINNESBECK, W. (2007): Rudist decline in the Maastrichtian Cardenas Formation (East-central Mexico). – Palaeogeography, Palaeoecology, Palaeoclimatology 251, p. 210-221.

VEGA, F.J., NYBORG, T.G., ROJAS-BRICEÑO, A., PATARROYO, P., LUQUE, J.,  PORRAS-MUZQUIZ, H. & STINNESBECK, W. (2007): Upper Cretaceous Crustacea from Mexico and Colombia: similar faunas and environments during Turonian times. – Revista de Ciencias Geologias, v.24 (3), p.403-422.


BANDEL, K. & STINNESBECK, W. (2006): Naefia WETZEL, 1930, from the Quiriquina Formation (Late Maastrichtian, Chile): relationship to modern Spirula and ancient Coleoidea (Cephalopoda). – Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Geologica, pp. 21-32.

BARON-SZABO, R., SCHAFHAUSER, A., GÖTZ, S. & STINNESBECK, W. (2006): Scleractinian corals from the Cardenas Formation, San Luis Potosí, Mexico– Journal of Paleontology, 80(6), p.1033-1046.

BUCHY, M.-C., FREY, E., STINNESBECK, W., LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G. (2006): Commented catalogue of the Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian and Tithonian) marine reptiles in the collection of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra, Linares, Mexico. Oryctos, vol. 6, p. 1-18.

BUCHY, M.-C., FREY, E., SALISBURY, S.W.,  STINNESBECK, W., LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G., SALISBURY, S.W.  & GÖTTE, M. (2006): An unusual pliosaur (Reptilia, Sauropterygia) from the Kimmeridgian (Upper Jurassic) of northeastern Mexico; Neues Jahrbuch Geologie Paläontologie Abh., 23, 241-270.

BUCHY, M.-C., VIGNAUD, P., FREY, E., STINNESBECK, W. & GONZALEZ GONZALEZ, A.H. (2006): A new thalattosuchian crocodyliform from the Tithonian (Upper Jurassic) of northeastern Mexico. – Comptes Rendus Palevol 5, p. 785-794.

BUCHY, M.-C., STINNESBECK, W, .FREY, E. & GONZALEZ-GONZALEZ, A.H. (2006): A new Tithonian (Upper Jurassic) marine vertebrate concentration Lagerstätte in north-eastern Mexico. – Hantkeniana 5, p. 17-19.

FREY, E., BUCHY, M.-C., STINNESBECK, W., GONZALEZ-GONZALEZ, A.H. & DI STEFANO A. (2006): Muzquizopterix coahuilensis n.g., n.sp., a nyctosaurid pterosaur with soft tissue preservation from the Coniacian (Late Cretaceous) of northeastern Mexico (Coahuila). – Oryctos, vol. 6, p.19-39.

FREY, E., STINNESBECK, W. & BUCHY, M.-C. (2006): Das Monster von Aramberri. – Forschung Spezial 2006, p32-35.

GONZALEZ GONZALEZ, A.H., ROJAS SANDOVAL, C. TERRAZAS MATA, A., BENAVENTE SANVICENTE, M. & STINNESBECK, W. (2006): Poblamiento temprano en la Península de Yucatán: evidencias localizadas en cuevas submergidas de Quintana Roo, México. – pp. 73-90, in: 2° Simposion Internacional del Hombre Temprano en América (J.C. Jiménez López et al., eds.). Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Historia, México. 198 pp.

IFRIM C., FREY E., STINNESBECK W., BUCHY M.-C., GONZÁLEZ GONZÁLEZ A.H. & LÓPEZ-OLIVA J.G. (2006): The fish assemblage in Lower Turonian carbonates at Vallecillo, N.L., Mexico. Paleos Antiguo, 1, p. 43-51.

STINNESBECK, W. (2006): Die Suche nach dem Dino-Killer– Fridericiana, 66, 25-36.


ADATTE, T, KELLER, G., STÜBEN, D., HARTING, M., KRAMAR, U., STINNESBECK, W., ABRAMOVICH, S. & BENJAMINI, J. (2005): Late Maastrichtian and K/T paleoenvironment of the eastern Tethys (Israel): mineralogy, trace and platinum group elements, biostratigraphy and faunal turnovers. - Bull. Soc. Géol. France. 176 (1), 37-55.

BANDEL, K. & STINNESBECK, W. (2005): Naefia WETZEL, 1930 from Quiriquina Formation (Maastrichtian), a relative of the Spirulida (Coleoidea, Cephalopoda)?. – 2nd Symposium – Cephaloid Cephalopods through time, Prague 2005, 11-18.

BUCHY, M.-C., SMITH, K.T., FREY, E., STINNESBECK, W., GONZALEZ-GONZALEZ, A.H., IFRIM, C, LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G. &  PORRAS-MUZQUIZ (2005): Annotated catalogue of marine squamates (Reptilia) from the Upper Cretaceous of northeastern Mexico - Netherlands Journal of Geosciences / Geologie en Mijnbouw, 84, 195-205.

FREY, E., STINNESBECK, W. & BUCHY, M.-C. (2005): The Monster of Aramberri. – German Research, 3(2005), 4-7.

IFRIM, C., STINNESBECK, W. & SCHAFHAUSER, A. (2005): Maastrichtian ammonites of northeastern Mexico. - Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, vol. 22 (1), 48-64.

MEYER, C., FREY, E. THÜRING, B., ETTER, W. & STINNESBECK, W. (2005): Dinosaur tracks from the Late Cretaceous Sabinas Basin (Mexico). – Kaupia, 14, 41-45.

STÜBEN, D., KRAMAR, U., HARTING, M., STINNESBECK, W., KELLER, G. & ADATTE, T.(2005): High resolution geochemical record of Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sections in Mexico: New constrains on the K/T and Chicxulub events.- Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 69(10), p. 2559-2579.

STINNESBECK, W., IFRIM, C., SCHMIDT, H., RINDFLEISCH, A., BUCHY, M.-C., FREY, E., GONZALEZ GONZALEZ, A.H., VEGA-VERA, F., J., CAVIN, L., KELLER, G. & SMITH, K. (2005): A new lithographic limestone deposit in the Upper Cretaceous Austin Group at El Rosario, county of Muzquiz, Coahuila, northeastern Mexico. – Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, vol. 22 (3), p. 401-418. 


BUCHY, M.-C., SMITH, K.T., FREY, E., STINNESBECK, W., GONZALEZ-GONZALEZ, A.H., IFRIM, C., LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G. & PORRAS-MUZQUIZ, H. (2004): Preliminary catalogue of marine squamates (Reptilia) from the Upper Cretaceous of northeastern Mexico. - First Mosasaur Meeting, Maastricht (The Netherlands), 8-12 May 2004, Abstract Book: 17-23.

IFRIM, C., STINNESBECK, W. & LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G. (2004): Maastrichtian cephalopods from the Mendez Formation at Cerralvo, Nuevo León, North-Eastern Mexico. – Palaeontology, 47(6), p. 1-53.

KELLER, G., W., ADATTE, T., STINNESBECK, REBOLLEDO-VIEYRA, M., URRUTIA-FUCUGAUCHI, J., KRAMAR, U. & STÜBEN, D.:2004: Chicxulub impact predates the K-T boundary mass extinction. – Proceedings of the National Academy, vol.101(no.11), p. 3753-3758.

KELLER, G., W., ADATTE, T., STINNESBECK, STÜBEN, D., BERNER, Z.,., KRAMAR, U. & HARTING, M. (2004): More evidence that the Chicxulub impact predates the K-T boundary mass extinction. – Meteoritics and Planetary Science 39, Nr. 7, p.1127-1144.

KRÖGER, K. & STINNESBECK, W. (2004): The Minas Viejas Formation (Oxfordian) in the area of Galeana, northeastern Mexico: Significance of syndepositional Volcanism and related Barite Genesis in the Sierra Madre Oriental. In: C. Bartolini, R.T. Buffler, and J. Blickede, eds., The Circum-Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean: Hydrocarbon habitats, basin formation and plate tectonics. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 79, p. 515-528

SCHAFHAUSER, A., STINNESBECK, W., HOLLAND, B., ADATTE, T. & REMANE, J. (2004): Lower Cretaceous pelagic limestones in southern Belize: Proto-Caribbean deposits on the southeastern Maya block. In: C. Bartolini, R.T. Buffler, and J. Blickede, eds., The Circum-Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean: Hydrocarbon habitats, basin formation and plate tectonics. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 79, p. 624-637.

STINNESBECK, W., KELLER, G., ADATTE, T., HARTING, M., STÜBEN, D., ISTRATE, G. & KRAMAR, U. (2004): Yaxcopoil-1 and the Chicxulub impact. – Journal of International Earth Sciences, vol. 93, p.1042-1065.


BUCHY, M.-C., FREY, E., STINNESBECK, W. & LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G. (2003): J.G., First occurrence of a gigantic pliosaurid plesiosaur in the late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) of Mexico. – Bull. Soc. geol. France., t.174 (3), p.271-278.

GÖTZ, S. & STINNESBECK, W. (2003): Reproductive cycles, larval mortality and population dynamics of a Late Cretaceous hippuritid association: a new approach to the biology of rudists based on quantitative three-dimensional analysis – Terra Nova, 15, 392-397.

KELLER, G., ADATTE, T. & STINNESBECK, W., (2003): The Non-Smoking Gun.Geoscientist, vol 13 (11), p. 8-11.

KELLER, G., STINNESBECK, W., ADATTE, T. & STÜBEN, D. (2003): Multiple impacts across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary – Earth Science Reviews 62, p.327-363.

KELLER, G., STINNESBECK, W., ADATTE, T., HOLLAND, B., STÜBEN, D., HARTING, M., DE LEON, C. &  DE LA CRUZ, J. (2003): Spherule deposits in Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sediments in Belize and Guatemala. – Journal of the Geological Society London, vol. 160, pp.783-795.

SCHAFHAUSER, A.; GÖTZ, S.; BARON-SZABO, R. & STINNESBECK, W. (2003): Depositional Environment of Coral-Rudist Associations in the Upper Cretaceous Cardenas Formation (Central Mexico). Geologia Croatica, 56/2, p.187-198, Zagreb.

SCHULTE, P., STINNESBECK, W., STÜBEN, D., KRAMAR U., BERNER, Z., KELLER, G. & ADATTE, T. (2003): Fe-rich and K-rich mafic spherules from slumped and channelized Chicxulub ejecta deposits in the northern La Sierrita area, NE Mexico, Journal of International Earth Sciences, vol. 92, p.114-142.

STINNESBECK, W., QUINZIO-SINN, L.A., SALAZAR, C. & BONILLA, R.(2003): La formación Quiriquina en su localidad tip, Isla Quiriquina. – Guía Excursión, Congreso Geológico Chileno, octúbre 2003, 18pp

STÜBEN, D.; KRAMAR, U.; BERNER, Z.; MEUDT, M.A., KELLER, G., ABRAMOVICH, S., ADATTE, T., HAMBACH, U. &  STINNESBECK, W. (2003): Late Maastrichtian paleoclimatic and paleooceanographic changes inferred from Sr/Ca ratio and stable isotopes. - Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, 199, p.107-127.


ABRAMOVICH, S., KELLER, G., ADATTE, T., STINNESBECK, W., HOTTINGER, L., STÜBEN, D., BERNER, Z., RAMANIVOSOA, B. & RANDRIAMANANTENASOA, A. (2002): Age and Paleoenvironment of the Maastrichtian-Paleocene of the Mahajanga Basin, Madagascar: a Multidisciplinary Approach. – Marine Micropaleontology, 17-70.

ADATTE, T.; KELLER, G. & STINNESBECK, W. (2002): Late Cretaceous to early Paleocene climate and sea-level fluctuations: the Tunisian record. - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 178, p. 165-196.

ADATTE, T.; STINNESBECK, W; HUBBERTEN, H., REMANE, J. & LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G. (2002): Correlation of a Valanginian stable isotopic excursion in northeastern Mexico with the European Tethys, in C.BARTOLINI, R.T. BUFFLER, and A. CANTU-CHAPA, eds., The western Gulf of Mexico Basin: Tectonics, sedimentary basins, and petroleum systems:. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 75, p.371-388.

BLANCO, A.; FREY, E.; STINNESBECK, W. & LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G. (2002): Late Cretaceous (Turonian) fish assemblage from Vallecillo, northeastern Mexico. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen 225(1), p.39-54.

FREY, E., BUCHY, M.-C., STINNESBECK, W. & LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G. (2002): Geosaurus vignaudi n.sp. (Crocodilia, Thalattosuchia), first evidence of metriorhynchid crocodilians in the Late Jurassic (Tithonian) of central-east Mexico (State of Puebla). – Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 39, 1467-1483.

KELLER, G., ADATTE, T., STINNESBECK,W., AFFOLTER, M., SCHILLI, L. & LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G., (2002): Multiple spherule layers in the late Maastrichtian of  northeastern Mexico. – In KOEBERL,, C., and MACLEOD, K.G., eds., Catastrophic Events and Mass Extinctions: Impacts and Beyond: Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America Special Paper 356, p. 145-161.

KELLER, G.; ADATTE, T.; STINNESBECK, W.; LUCIANI, V.; KAROUI-YAAKOUB, N. & ZAGHBIB-TURKI, D. (2002): Paleoecology of the Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinction in planktonic foraminifera. - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 178, p. 257-297.

KELLER, G., STINNESBECK, W. & ADATTE, T., Slumping and a sandbar deposit at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the El Tecolote section (northeastern Mexico) (2002): An impact-induced sediment gravity flow – Comment. – Geology, vol.30(4), p. 382-383.

STINNESBECK, W., KELLER,G., SCHULTE, P., STÜBEN, D., BERNER, Z., KRAMAR, U., & LOPEZ-OLIVA, (2002): J.G., The Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary transition at Coxquihui, state of Veracruz, Mexico: evidence for an early Danian impact event? –Journal of South American Earth Sciences., vol. 15, p. 497-509.

STINNESBECK, W. & LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G. (2002): Los invertebrados. p.73-79, p.82-85. In: A.H- González González & A. de Stéfano Farías: Fósiles de México – Coahuila, una ventana a través del tiempo. – Gob. del estado de Coahuila, Saltillo.

STÜBEN, D.; KRAMAR, U.; BERNER, Z.; STINNESBECK, W.; KELLER, G & ADATTE, T. (2002): Trace elements, stable isotopes, and clay mineralogy of the Elles II K-T boundary section: indications for sea level fluctuations and primary productivity. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 178, p. 321-345

STÜBEN, D.; KRAMAR, U.; BERNER, Z.; ECKHARDT, J.-D.; STINNESBECK, W.; KELLER, G.; ADATTE, T. & HEIDE, K. Geochemical evidence for multiple events across the KT-boundary at Beloc, Haiti (2002): – In KOEBERL,, C., and MACLEOD, K.G., eds., Catastrophic Events and Mass Extinctions: Impacts and Beyond: Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America Special Paper 356, p.

TANTAWY, A.A.; KELLER, G.; ADATTE, T.; STINNESBECK, W.; KASSAB, A. & SCHULTE, P. (2002): Maastrichtian to Paleocene depositional environment of the Dakhla Formation, Western Desert, Egypt: sedimentology, mineralogy and integrated micro- and macrofossil biostratigraphies – Cretaceous Research, 22, 795-827.


BLANCO, A.; STINNESBECK, W.; LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G. & ADATTE, T. (2001): Vallecillo, Nuevo León: Un nuevo yacimiento fosilífero del Cretácico tardío en el Noreste de México. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, v.18, S. 185-198.

KELLER, G.; ADATTE, T.; STINNESBECK, W.; STÜBEN, D. & BERNER, Z. (2001) Age and Biostratigraphy of Haiti spherule-rich deposits: a Multi-event K-T scenario. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences  38, S. 197-227.

KRAMAR, U., STÜBEN, D., BERNER, Z., STINNESBECK, W. & PHILIPP, H. (2001): Are Ir-anomalies sufficient and unique indicators for cosmic events? - Planetary and Space Science, v.49, S.831-837.

STINNESBECK, W; KELLER, G. & ADATTE, T. (2001): Chicxulub impact: the origin of reservoir and seal facies in southeastern Mexico oil fields - Comment. Geology, vol. 29, S. 94-95.

STINNESBECK, W., SCHULTE, P., LINDENMAIER, F., ADATTE, T., AFFOLTER, M., SCHILLI, L., STÜBEN, D., BERNER, Z., KRAMAR, U., & LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G. (2001): Late Maastrichtian age of spherule deposits in northeastern Mexico: Implication for Chicxulub scenario. - Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences  38, S. 229-238.


ADATTE, T., MICHALZIK, D., LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G. & STINNESBECK, W (2000): Field Guide Book Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of the Monterrey-Saltillo area. - Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra y Sociedad Mexicana de Paleontología, Linares, Mexico, 35 S, 32 Fig., 4 Tafeln.

BANDEL, K. & STINNESBECK, W. (2000): Gastropods of the Quiriquina Formation (Maastrichtian) in Central Chile: Palaeobiogeographic relationships and the description of a few new taxa. – Zentralblatt Geologie Paläontologie Teil 1, Heft 7/8 (1999), p. 757-788.

KELLER, G. & STINNESBECK, W. (2000): Ir and the K/T boundary at El Caribe, Guatemala. -Journal of International Earth Sciences, 88. S.840-843.

LI, L.; KELLER, G.; ADATTE, T. & STINNESBECK, W.(2000): Late Cretaceous sea-level changes in Tunisia: A multidisciplinary approach. -Jlournal of the Geological Society, London, 157, S. 447-458

STINNESBECK, W.; KELLER, G.; ADATTE, T.; STÜBEN, D.; KRAMAR, U.; BERNER, Z.; DESREMEAUX; C. & MOLIERE, E.(2000): Beloc, Haiti, revisited: multiple events across the KT boundary in the Caribbean -Terra Nova, v. 11 (1999), S. 303-310.

STINNESBECK, W.; KELLER, G.; ADATTE, T.; LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G.; DE LA CRUZ, J. & DE LEON, C. (2000): The Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) transition in the northern part of Latin America: Evidence for a multi-event scenario. - Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geologie., Sonderheft SH 1, S. 109-116.

STINNESBECK, W.; LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G.; ADATTE, T. & KELLER, G. (2000): El límite Cretácico-Terciario en el Noreste de México. Libro Guía - Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra y Sociedad Mexicana de Paleontología, Linares, Mexico, 31 S.


BARTOLINI, C.; LANG, H. & STINNESBECK, W. (1999): Volcanic rock outcrops in Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosí: Remnants of the Permian-Early Triassic magmatic arc? S. 347-356. in:  BARTOLINI, C.; WILSON, J.L., AND LAWTON, T. (eds.) Mesozoic Sedimentary and Tectonic History of North-Central Mexico. - Geological Society of America Special Paper 340.

GUZMAN,  A.F., STINNESBECK, W., ROBLES CAMACHO & POLACO, O.J. (1999): El paleolago de Amatitán, Jalisco: datos paleontológicos, paleoecológicos y tafonómicos de la localidad típica de Tapatia occidentalis  (Osteichthyes, Goodeidae). - Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Paleontología., 31 (2), 1998, p. 127-134.

LI, L.; KELLER, G. & STINNESBECK, W. (1999): The Late Campanian and Maastrichtian in northwestern Tunisia: palaeoenvironmental inferences from lithology, macrofauna and benthic foraminifera. - Cretaceous Research, 20, S. 231-252.

LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G.; KELLER, G. & STINNESBECK, W. (1999): El límite Cretácico/ Terciario (K/T) en el Noreste de México: Extinción de foraminíferos planctónicos. - Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas.15 (1), S. 109-113.

REMANE, J., STINNESBECK, W. & ADATTE, T. (1999): What to do with Cantú Chapa’s definition of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary? Revista Española de Micropaleontología., 31 (1), S. 149-154.

STINNESBECK, W. (1999): Klastische Sedimente im Umkreis von Chicxulub (Yucatan, Mexiko): Zur Altersstellung des Impakt-Events und anderer Ereignisse an der Wende Kreide-Tertiär. - Barbara-Gespräche, Payerbach 1997, Band 4, S. 3-25, Wien.


EKDALE, A.A. & STINNESBECK, W. (1998): Trace Fossils in Cretaceous-Tertiary (KT) Boundary Beds in Northeastern Mexico: Implications for Sedimentation during the KT Boundary Event. - Palaios., v. 13, S. 593-602.

KELLER, G.; ADATTE, T.; STINNESBECK, W.; STÜBEN, D.; KRAMAR, U.; BERNER, Z.; LI, L. &   v. SALIS-PERCH-NIELSEN, K (1998): The Cretaceous-Tertiary transition on the shallow Saharan Platform of southern Tunisia. - Geobios., 30, S. 951-975.

KELLER, G.; LI, L.; STINNESBECK, W. & VICENZI, E (1998): The K/T Mass Extinction, Chicxulub and the impact-kill effect. - Bulletin de la Societé geologique de France, vol. 169 (4), S.485-491


CALMUS, T.; PEREZ SEGURA, E. & STINNESBECK, W. (1997): La structuration de la marge pacifique nordamericaine et du “terrane“ Caborca: apports de la decouverte d'une faune du Jurassique inferieur et moyen dans la série de Pozos de Serna (Sonora, Mexique). - Comptes Rendues de l'Academie des Sciences de la Terre et des planètes, Paris. S. 257-263.

KELLER, G. & STINNESBECK (1997): Yucatan subsurface stratigraphy: Implications and constraints for the Chicxulub impact: Comment and Reply. - Geology,  25: 92-93.

KELLER, G., ADATTE, T.; HOLLIS, C.; ORDOÑEZ, M.; ZAMBRANO, I.; JIMENEZ, N.;  STINNESBECK, W.; ALEMAN, A. & HALE-ERLICH, W. (1997): The Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary event in Ecuador: reduced biotic effects due to eastern boundary current setting. - Marine Micropaleontology,  v. 31, S. 97-133.

KELLER, G.; LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G.; STINNESBECK, W. & ADATTE, T. (1997): Age, stratigraphy and deposition of near K/T siliciclastic deposits in Mexico: Relation to bolide impact? Geological Society of America Bulletin., v.109: 410-428.

STINNESBECK, W.; KELLER, G.; DE LA CRUZ, J.; DE LEON, C.; MACLEOD, N. & WHITTACKER, J.E. (1997): The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in Guatemala - Limestone breccia deposits from the South Peten Basin. - Geologische Rundschau., 86: 686-709.


ADATTE, STINNESBECK, W. & KELLER, G. (1996): Lithostratigraphic and mineralogic correlations of near K/T boundary clastic sediments in NE Mexico: Implications for origin and nature of deposition. S. 211-226. -In: Ryder; G., Fastovsky, D., and Gartner, S. (eds.): The Cretaceous-Tertiary Event and Other Catastrophes in Earth History. - Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America Special Paper 307.

ADATTE, T.; STINNESBECK, W.; REMANE, J. & HUBBERTEN, H. (1996): Paleogeographic setting of Center-East Mexico at the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary, correlation with NE-Mexico. -Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg, Heft 77, S. 379-393.

ADATTE, T.; STINNESBECK, W., REMANE, J. & HUBBERTEN, H. (1996): Paleooceanographic change at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the western Tethys, northeastern Mexico. - Cretaceous Research., vol. 17, S. 671-689.

KELLER, G. & STINNESBECK, W. (1996): Sea level changes, clastic deposits and megatsunamis across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. In: MacLEOD, N. & KELLER, G. (eds.): The Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Mass Extinction: Biotic and Environmental Events.- S. 415-449, Norton Press, New York.

KELLER, G. & STINNESBECK, W. (1996): Near-K/T Age of Clastic Deposits from Texas to Brazil: Impact, Volcanism and/or Sea-Level Lowstand? - Terra Nova, vol. 8, S.277-285.

STINNESBECK, W. (1996): Ammonite Extinctions and Environmental Changes across the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary in Central Chile. - In: MacLEOD, N. & KELLER; G. (eds.): The Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Mass Extinction: Biotic and Environmental Events. -, S. 289-302, Norton Press, New York.

STINNESBECK, W. & KELLER, G. (1996): Environmental Changes across the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary in northeastern Brazil.-In: MacLEOD, N. & KELLER; G. (eds.): The Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Mass Extinction: Biotic and Environmental Events.- S. 451-469 Norton Press, New York.

STINNESBECK, W. & KELLER, G.(1996): K/T boundary coarse-grained siliciclastic deposits in northeastern Mexico and northeastern Brazil: Evidence for mega-tsunami or sea-level changes? S. 197-209 -In: Ryder; G., Fastovsky, D., and Gartner, S. (eds.): The Cretaceous-Tertiary Event and Other Catastrophes in Earth History.-Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America Special Paper 307.

STINNESBECK, W.; KELLER, G.; ADATTE, T., LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G. & MacLEOD, N. (1996): Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary clastic deposits in NE Mexico: Bolide impact or sealevel lowstand. In:  MacLEOD, N. & KELLER, G. (eds.): The Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Mass Extinction: Biotic and Environmental Events. - S. 471-517, Norton Press, New York.


ARANDA-MANTECA; F: & STINNESBECK; W (1995): Primer registro de mosasauridos en Mexico. - Actas Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra, U.A.N.L., 8 (1993): 1-8.

GARCIA-BARCENA, J., ARANDA-MANTECA, F.J., CONTRERAS Y MONTERO, B.Y., ESPINOSA ARRUBARENA, L.E., GOMEZ SERRANO, J., POLACO RAMOS, O.J., RUEDA GAXIOLA, J., STINNESBECK KUTZNER, W., VILLASEÑOR, A.B. & XELHUANTZI LOPEZ, M.S. (1995): Proyecto de disposiciones reglamentarias acerca del patrimonio paleontológico. Sociedad Mexicana de Paleontología. V Congreso Nacional (Mexico, D.F., November 1995), p. 8-19.

MEDINA BARRERA, F. & STINNESBECK, W. (1995): Primer registro de Nostoceras (Cephalopoda: Ammonoidea) del Noreste de México. - Actas de la Fac. Cienc. Tierra, U.A.N.L., 8 (1993): 65-70.

STINNESBECK, W.(1995): Sobre una faunula de ammonites de la formación Cuesta del Cura (Albiano Superior - Cenomaniano Inferior) de la Sierra de Catorce, San Luis Potosí. - Actas de la Fac. Ciencias Tierra, 8 (1993): 129-132.

STINNESBECK, W. & KELLER; G. (1995): The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in southern low-latitude regions: preliminary study in Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil - Comments. - Terra Nova, 7: 375-378.

WARD, W., KELLER, G., STINNESBECK, W. & ADATTE, T.(1995): Yucatan Subsurface Revisited: Implications and Constraints for the Chicxulub Meteor Impact. - Geology, v.23: 873-876.


ADATTE, T.; STINNESBECK, W.; HUBBERTEN, H. & REMANE, J. (1994): Correlaciones multiestratigráficas en el límite Jurásico-Cretácico en el Noreste de México. -  Boletín de la Sociedad Geologica Mexicana, Tomo LI, 1 - 2 (1991 - 1992): 23-51.

ADATTE, T.; STINNESBECK, W.; HUBBERTEN, H. & REMANE, J. (1994): Nuevos datos sobre el límite Jurásico-Cretácico en el Noreste y en el Centro de México. -  Boletín de la Sociedad Geologica Mexicana, Tomo LII, 1 - 2 (1993 - 1994): 11-15.

ADATTE, T.; STINNESBECK, W. & REMANE, J. (1994): The Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in Northeastern Mexico. Confrontation and Correlation by microfacies, clay mineral mineralogy, calpionellids and ammonites. - Geobios, 17: 37-56,  Lyon.

KELLER, G.; STINNESBECK, W.; ADATTE, T.; MacLEOD, N. & LOWE, D.R. (1994): Field Guide to  Cretaceous -Tertiary boundary sections in northeastern Mexico. LPI Contribution No. 827, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 110 S.

KELLER, G.; STINNESBECK, W. & LOPEZ OLIVA, J.G. (1994): Age, deposition and biotic effects of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary event at the Arroyo El Mimbral, NE Mexico. - Palaios, vol. 9: 144-157

STINNESBECK, W.(1994): Icnofósiles de la formación Guacamaya (Permico Inferior) del Cañon La Peregrina, al Noroeste de Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, México. - Revista de la Soc. Mexicana de Paleontología,. vol.7 (2): 47-55.

STINNESBECK, W. & KELLER, G. (1994): Field guide to the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary section of Poty, North of Recife, Northeastern Brazil. - 14th International Sedimentological Congress (IAS '94), Special Publication, 21 S., Recife.

STINNESBECK, W.; ADATTE, T. & KELLER, G. (1994): KT boundary sections in Southern Mexico (Chiapas): Implications for the proposed Chicxulub Impact Site. - New Developments Regarding the K/T Event and Other Catastrophes in Earth History, LPI Contribution No. 825, Lunar and Planetary Institute : 120-121

STINNESBECK, W; ADATTE, T; KELLER, G. & LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G. (1994): Correlaciones sedimentológicas y mineralógicas entre los depósitos canalizados del límite Cretácico-Terciario en el Noreste de México: Implicaciones para el mecanismo de su deposición. - Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Paleontología, vol. 7 (1): 69-80.

STINNESBECK, W; KELLER, G & ADATTE, T. (1994): Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Deposits in NE-Mexico: Bolide Impact or Sea-Level Lowstand? -  New Developments Regarding the K/T Event and Other Catastrophes in Earth History, LPI Contribution No. 825, Lunar and Planetary Institute : 121-123.

STINNESBECK, W.; KELLER, G.; ADATTE, T. & MacLEOD, N. (1994):  Deposition of channel deposits near the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in northeastern Mexico: Catastrophic or "normal" sedimentary deposits? and Is there evidence for Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary-age deep water deposits in the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico? - Reply. - Geology. v. 22, S. 955-956.

STINNESBECK, W.; KELLER, G.; ADATTE, T.; MacLEOD, N. & LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G. (1994): Supplement to: Deposition of etc.- Geological Society of America Data Repository item 9441.


ADATTE, T.; STINNESBECK, W.; HUBBERTEN, W. & REMANE, J. (1993): Isótopos estables en el  Valanginiano del Noreste de Mexico. Su relación con cambios a nivel global. - Memorias del 3er. Congreso de Geoquímica, México, D.F. (18 - 20. Okt. 1993): 79-84.

MABESOONE, J.M. & STINNESBECK, W. (1993): Did the South American elements of the Messel fauna migrate via Africa?-Kaupia -Darmstädter Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte, Heft 3: 257-262.

STINNESBECK, W.; ADATTE, T. & REMANE, J. (1993): Mazatepec (Puebla, México) - Reevaluación de su valor como estratotipo del límite Jurásico-Cretácico. - Rev. Española de Micropaleontología, vol. 25 (2): 63-79.

STINNESBECK, W; ASHRAF, A.R. & von SALIS PERCH-NIELSEN, K. (1993): Estudos paleontológicos no limite Cretáco - Terciario no Estado de Pernambuco. - Inst. de Geociencias, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Depto. Geologia - Estudos Pesquisas, 10, 1991: 141 - 156, Recife.

STINNESBECK, W.; BARBARIN, J.M.; KELLER, G.; LOPEZ-OLIVA, J.G.; PIVNIK, D.; LYONS, J.; OFFICER, C; ADATTE, T. GRAUP, G.; ROCCHIA, R. & ROBIN, E. (1993): Deposition of channel deposits near the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in northeastern Mexico: Catastrophic or "normal" sedimentary deposits? - Geology, v. 21: 797-800.


STINNESBECK, W. (1992): Ammonites de la Formación Cuesta del Cura (Albiano Superior - Cenomaniano Inferior) del area de Galeana, N.L., México. - Revista Sociedad Mexicana de Paleontología, vol. 4 (1991): 63-85.


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