
Research Internships

There are open positions for a research internship starting this semester.


Bachelor- and Masterstudents

I am always looking for motivated and talented students. If you are interested in my research and wish to join the lab for your Bachelor- or Masterthesis please contact me by email or phone.


PhD Positions

Highly motivated and qualified candidates should send their applications including cover letter and CV by email. You can also contact me by phone or directly at my office (CAM, INF 225, 3.105) for information on funding opportunities and project discussions.


Postdoc Positions

There are currently no funded positions for postdoctoral researchers avaiable. However, if you are interested in my research please send me your CV by email. We can also discuss projects and appropriate funding opportunities by phone or in person. I would be happy to assist in fellowship application processes.

Seitenbearbeiter: E-Mail
Letzte Änderung: 02.04.2024
zum Seitenanfang/up