
Fonts apt to the transcription of Semitic texts

Some of the Times-based fonts I designed with Fontographer can be downloaded here. Most of them are Macintosh fonts in PostScript Type 1 format, but there are also some in Windows TrueType format. Under MacOS X the use of Unicode fonts together with my keyboard driver SemicodeUS is strongly recommended.


  • The fonts and keyboard drivers must not be made available in any electronic publication other than this site.
  • Private use is free.
  • In case one of the fonts provided on this site is used for a publication, the author has to be notified of the exact title of the publication and the font used.



Macintosh / PostScript Type1 / Keyboardlayout German / Adapted for Arabic Transcription
Download HaifaTimes (250 KB)
Download keyboard layout of HaifaTimes (PDF 40 KB)



The same as HaifaTimes, but adapted for American keyboard layout
Download GalilTimes (250 KB)
Download keyboard layout of GalilTimes (PDF 40 KB)



Macintosh / PostScript Type1 / Keyboard layout German / Adapted for Aramaic transcription (classic)
Download Beyrut (240 KB)
Download keyboard layout of Beyrut (PDF 30 KB)


Urmi Times

Macintosh / PostScript Type1 / Keyboard layout U.S. / Adapted for the Aramaic transcription (classic and modern)
Download Urmi Times (300 KB)
Download keyboard layout of Urmi Times (PDF 45 KB)



Macintosh / PostScript Type1 / Keyboard layout German / Adapted for the Persian Transcription
Download Abbas (426 KB)
Download keyboard layout of Abbas (PDF 40 KB)



Macintosh / PostScript Type1 / Keyboard layout German (MacOS 9) / Adapted for the Accadic transcription
Download Assur (405 KB)
Download keyboard layout of Assur (PDF 40 KB)



Macintosh / TrueType / Keyboard layout German (MacOS 9.1) / Adapted for the Turkish transcription
Download Pamuk (200 KB)
Download keyboard layout of Pamuk(PDF 40 KB)



Windows / TrueType / For the Arabic transcription / keyboard layout: chaos. The user has to establish shortcuts.
Download GalilWin (Zip-format 120 KB)



Windows / TrueType / For the Aramaic transcription (without bold style) / Keyboard layout: chaos.The user has to establish shortcuts.
Download Bock (Zip-format 60 KB)



Windows / TrueType / For the Aramaic transcription (without bold style) / keyboard layout: chaos. The user has to establish shortcuts.
Download Nebe (Zip-format 60 KB)



Windows / TrueType / For the South-Arabic transcription / keyboard layout: chaos. The user has to establish shortcuts.
Download Sima (Zip-format 121 KB)



Macintosh / PostScript Type1
A Rarity. Up to my knowledge the only existing font of the Hatra-inscriptions. Although this is a right-left script, I designed a normal font. So you need a word processor which can reverse a normal font from right to left. The fonts Hatra and Beyrut have been used for the layout of Klaus Beyer's book "Die aramäischen Inschriften aus Assur, Hatra und dem übrigen Ostmesopotamien". A short sample:

Die aramäischen Inschriften aus Assur, Hatra und dem übrigen Ostmesopotamien

Download Hatra (25 KB)


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Editor: E-mail
Latest Revision: 2012-11-21
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