Events (Prof. Jaspert)
Upcoming events
Currently there are no events scheduled.
Past events
Conference: Accessing the Sea in the Middle Ages: Quantative Approaches to Mediterranean Mobility
Humboldt-Symposium Heidelberg: The Eastern Mediterranean: A Liquid Frontier, 1300–1700
14th and 15th of June 2024
Ist Qualifiers Workshop of the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ibero-Mediävistik"
Lecture series: "Ambivalente Feindschaft"
Winter semester 2019/20 | Thursdays 6–8 p.m. | CATS, room 010.01.05
Lecture: Kingdoms of Faith: Writing a New History of Islamic Spain
Brian Catlos (Boulder, USA)
21st October 2019 | 6.15 p.m. | Grabengasse 3 | Lecture Hall of the Department of History
International Conference: Ibero-Mediävistik. Grundlagen, Potentiale und Perspektiven eines internationalen Forschungsfeldes
Heidelberg, Old University, Senate Hall and Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Hauptstraße 120
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Nikolas Jaspert
Workshop: Materialität, Inschriftlichkeit und schrifttragende Artefakte im mittelalterlichen Rom
Heidelberg University Archive
Akademiestr. 4-8
Organisation: Wolf Zöller
Ibero-Mediaevistik – Heidelberger Vorträge zur mittelalterlichen Geschichte der Iberischen Halbinsel
Summer semester 2018
International Conference:
Migration und Persistenz – Mittelalterliche Diskurse / Migration and Persistence – Medieval Discourses
sponsored by the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context”
27. - 29. July 2017, Heidelberg
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Nikolas Jaspert & Prof. Dr. Bernd Schneidmüller
ADDITIONAL COURSE OFFER: Block-seminar in July:
Prof. Dr. Miriam Frenkel
(The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel)
Cultural Encounters between Judaism and Islam in the Medieval Middle East
Course dates:
Friday, 7., 14., 21. and 28. July 2017, 9.00 a.m. - 16.00 p.m.
Room 227 (Historisches Seminar)
International Workshop:
Fürstinnen und Mendikanten. Hochadlige Bettelordensaffinität in europäischer Perspektive / Princesses and Mendicants. Close Relations in a European Perspective.
15. – 16. December 2016, Heidelberg, Neue Universität, former Senatssaal
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Nikolas Jaspert & Imke Just, M.Ed.
Fear of the Sea in the History of the Mediterranean
14. - 15. July 2016, Heidelberg
Workshop of the Société Internationale Des Historiens de la Méditerranée (SIHMED)
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Nikolas Jaspert (President of SIHMED) & Dr. Sebastian Kolditz
Ibero-Mediaevistik – Heidelberger Vorträge zur mittelalterlichen Geschichte der Iberischen Halbinsel
Summer semester 2016
Urban Dynamics and Transcultural Communication in Medieval Sicily
26. - 27. November 2015, Heidelberg
Organisation: Mona Kirsch und Theresa Jäckh
Host: Historisches Seminar; Cluster Asia and Europe; Transcultural Studies
Perpignan 1415: un sommet européen à l’époque des conciles / Perpignan 1415: Ein europäisches Gipfeltreffen in der Konzilszeit
23. - 25. September 2015, Perpignan
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Aymat Catafau (Université de Perpignan Via Domitia) & Prof. Dr. Nikolas Jaspert (Universität Heidelberg) & Prof. Dr. Thomas Wetzstein (Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
4. Mittelaltertag in Heidelberg
27. June 2015, Heidelberg
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Nikolas Jaspert & Matthias Bley, M.A.
Ibero-Mediaevistik – Heidelberger Vorträge zur mittelalterlichen Geschichte der Iberischen Halbinsel
Summer semester 2015
A Sea and its Saints
Hagiographie and the Structuring of the Mediterranean in the Middle Ages
3. - 5. March 2015, Rome
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Nikolas Jaspert und Constanze Beringer, M.A., Universität Heidelberg & Dr. Marco Di Branco, DHI Rom
Winter School: Mittelmeerstudien zwischen Theorie und Praxis
23. - 27. February 2015, Rome
Organisation: DHI Rom, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (Prof. Dr. Nikolas Jaspert), Università degli Studi "La Sapienza", Università degli Studi "Roma Tre" und Istituto per l'Oriente "Carlo Alfonso Nallino".
Jerusalem and the Crusaders
New Trends in the Study of the Crusading Movement & the Medieval Levant
6. - 11. December 2014. Jerusalem
Organisation: Ronnie Ellenblum, Israel & Iris Shagrir, Israel & Nikolas Jaspert, Heidelberg
Entre mers – Outre-mer.
Spaces, Modes and Agents of Indo-Mediterranean Connectivity (3rd Century BCE – 18th Century)
27. - 28. November 2014, Heidelberg
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Nikolas Jaspert & Dr. Sebastian Koldtz, Universität Heidelberg
Workshop "New Perspectives on the Research of Medieval Sicily – Prospects and Challenges"
23. October 2014, Heidelberg
Organisation: Mona Kirsch, Historisches Seminar und Cluster of Excellenz "Asia and Europe" der Universität Heidelberg
Workshop "The Transition from the Byzantine to the Ottoman Era in the Romania in the Mirror of Venetian Chronicles"
7. - 8. May 2014, Venice
Organisation: Dr. Sebastian Kolditz, Universität Heidelberg & Prof. Dr. Markus Koller, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Ibero-Mediaevistik – Heidelberger Vorträge zur mittelalterlichen Geschichte der Iberischen Halbinsel
Summer semester 2014