Gianni Pignone, M.A.


Gianni Pignone

Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Zentrum für Europäische Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften (ZEGK)

Historisches Seminar

Grabengasse 3–5, D-69117 Heidelberg



Room 221 in the Historical Seminar

Phone.: +49 (0)6221-54-2294



Office hours:

Appointments during the lecture free period of summer term 2024 via email. (Notice: Office hour on December 12 is canceled)


Research interests:

History of the Duchy of Milan under the Visconti and Sforza

Italian Switzerland in the 14th 15th century

Foreignness, interdependence and demarcation in cultural contacts in the late Middle Ages

Late medieval tax, customs and administrative history north and south of the Alps

Forms of consensual rule and political equalisation in the late Middle Ages and early modern period


Dissertation project:

Ticino as a transalpine area of interdependence in the late Middle Ages (working title)



  • Summer term 2024: Poet, humanist and pope: Enea Silvio Piccolomini and his time (source exercise)
  • Winter term 2023/24: Between Interdependence, Exchange and Demarcation: The Northern Alpine Empire and Upper Italy in the 15th century (source exercise)


Curriculum Vitae:

Since October 2023: Affiliate Doctoral Researcher of the DFG Graduate College “Ambivalent Enmity: Dynamics of Antagonism in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East” 

Since October 2023: Research assistant at the Chair of Medieval History (Prof Dr Nikolas Jaspert) at the Department of History at Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Since October 2023: Coordination of the master’s programme in Medieval Studies at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

2021-2023: Master's programme in history at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg

2017-2021: Bachelor’s degree in history and political science at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg

Page editor: Alexander Antonius Veeser
Last change: 06.12.2024
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