Publications and Presentations
Anny Boc, Hanno Lecher, and Miriam Seeger:
"Wer braucht DACHS und wofür? Zur Nutzung eines Webarchivs im akademischen Umfeld"
(invited paper, given at the nestor Expertengespräch "Bereitstellung und Nutzung archivierter Webseiten", Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart, 27 Feb. 2013).
Hanno Lecher:
"Web archive and citation repository in one: DACHS"
(invited paper, given at the JISC, DPC and UK Web Archiving Consortium Workshop "missing links: the enduring web", London, 21 Jul 2009).
Hanno Lecher:
"Small scale academic Web archiving"
In: Julien Masanès (ed.), Web Archiving. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer, 2006.
Jennifer Gross:
"Aus der Praxis - DACHS (The Digital Archive for Chinese Studies) in Heidelberg"
(paper given at the 94. Deutscher Bibliothekarstag, Düsseldorf, 15-18 Mar 2005).
Rudolf G. Wagner:
"Harvesting the Web, Preserving Chinese Voices. The Digital Archive for Chinese Studies (DACHS) in Heidelberg"
(paper given at the International Conference on Sinological Resources in the Digital Era, Taipei, 7-9 Dec 2004).
Hanno Lecher:
"Informant networks, alarm systems, and research contributors. Selection and ingest process for the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies"
(invited paper, given at the international conference Archiving Web Resources - Issues for Cultural Heritage Institutions, Canberra, 9-11 Nov 2004).
Remy Christini:
"The Digital Archive for Chinese Studies"
(paper given at the XVth EACS Conference, Heidelberg, 25-29 Aug 2004).
Jennifer Gross and Hanno Lecher:
"Everything is not lost: The Digital Archive for Chinese Studies (DACHS)"
In: IIAS Newsletter, No. 33 (Mar. 2003).
Jennifer Gross:
"Learning by doing: The Digital Archive for Chinese Studies (DACHS)"
(paper given at the 3rd ECDL Workshop on Web Archives, Trondheim, 21 Aug 2003).
Hanno Lecher:
"Preserving the Chinese Internet: The DACHS Project"
In: D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 1 (Jan. 2003).
Jennifer Gross and Hanno Lecher:
"Preserving current public discourse for the future: The Digital Archive for Chinese Studies (DACHS)"
(invited paper, given at the international conference on Digital Library - IT Opportunities and Challenges in the New Millenium, Beijing, 8-12 Jul 2002)