Publications & Conferences
- Kwon, Jaok (2015), 開発社会学を学ぶための60冊:援助と発展を根本から考えよう(Introductory to Social Development Studies), Edited by Hiroshi Sato et al., Akashishoten.
- Kwon, Jaok (2010),「韓国における朴正熙政権の開発主義と家族計画事業」(Politics of Family Planning in the Developmental State and Women: the Case of South Korea in the 1960s-1970s), ジェンダーと社会:男性史・軍隊・セクシュアリティ(Gender and Society: History of Masculinities, Military, and Sexuality), Edited by Kimiko Kimoto & Yoshiyuki Kido, Jyunpousha.
- Kwon, Jaok (2009), 韓国の農村開発とジェンダー(1960~1970年代)—国家、女性運動、農村女性の関わりをめぐる考察―(Rural Development and Gender in South Korea: The Interface between the State, Women’s Movements and Rural Women in the 1960s-1970s), Dissertation, Hitotsubashi University.
- Kwon, Jaok and Markus Pohlmann (2018), “Globalization and Corporate Elites in South Korea: Education and Career Mobility”, Korea Observer, 49(3): 543-568,
- Kwon, Jaok, Markus Pohlmann and Jivanta Schöttli (2018), “Corporate Elites in Japan: International Career Mobility and Education compared with East and South Asia, International Journal of Japanese Sociology.
- Kwon, Jaok (2018), “Forging Feminism within Labor Unions and the Legacy of Democracy Movements in South Korea”, Labor History, 59(5): 639-655.
- Kwon, Jaok (2013), 「韓国の労働運動におけるジェンダー関係:ジェンダーの視点からみた新しい社会運動における『進歩』の意味」(Gender Politics in Labor Movements in South Korea: New Social Movements and the Meaning of Progressiveness), Gender Studies, 15: 63-83.
- Kwon, Jaok (2012), Carving out Women’s Political Space in Civil Society, Jinbunshizenkennkyuu, 118-143.
- Kwon, Jaok (2012), 「韓国における地産地消運動と女性農民のエンパワーメント:全国女性農民会総連合の『菜園作り事業』の事例から」(Local Food Movements and Women’s Empowerment in South Korea), Journal of Consumer Co-operative, Consumer Co-operative Institute of Japan. 1-14.
- Kwon, Jaok (2011), “Forging Discursive Space for Women in Social Movements in South Korea, RIM, pp. 12-29 (Award of Gender Studies in Asia-Pacific).
- Kwon, Jaok (2009), 「韓国の農村社会における女性運動の普及過程―1960-70年代における「カトリック農村女性会」の事例から」(Women’s Liberation Movement in Korea), Gender Studies, 12: 55-76.
- Kwon, Jaok (2005), 「政府の介入によるソーシャル・キャピタルの形成可能性に関する理論的考察」(A Theoretical Review on the Possibilities of building and strengthening Social Capital by Government Involvements), Ikkyo Ronsou, 134(2): 306-317.
- Kwon, Jaok (2016), 「ジェンダーの観点から捉えなおす日本の経営管理者」(Educational Background and Career Paths of Japanese CEOs in industrial sector – An analysis with a gender lens), gakusyutsukennkyuusharonbunsyuu, 22: 57-74.
- Kwon, Jaok (2013), “Women’s Citizenship and Civil Society in South Korea: Gender Politics in Labour Movements”, The 5th Next-Generation Global Workshop Proceeding.
- Kwon, Jaok (2005), 농촌개발 관련 프로젝트실시현황 및 향후 추진방향 (International Aid Projects and Rural Development in South Korea), Korea International Cooperation Agency.
- Book Review, Fictional International Relations: Gender, Pain and Truth, Sungju Park-Kang, London and New York: Routledge, ASIEN: The German Journal on Contemporary Asia.
- “Corruption in Korea: Never Ending Story?, 5 December 2018, Special Lecture at the Department of Korean Studies, University of Tübingen, Germany.
- “Globalization and Corporate Elites in South Korea: Education and Career Mobility”, 8. Tagung der Vereinigung für Koreaforschung im deutschsprachigen Raum, 30 November 2018, Germany.
- “Modern Womanhood, the Ideology of Housewife, and Young Female Rural-Urban Migrants in the 1960s-1970s in South Korea”, University of Heidelberg and Kyoto University Joint Workshop, 9 November 2018, Germany.
- Discussant of “Fictional International Relations: Gender, Pain and Truth”, 2018 Paris Workshop of Social Sciences Korean Studies European Network, 31 August – 1 September, France.
- “Making peasant women: a case study of Korean Peasant Women's Movements in the 1960s-1970s”, University of Heidelberg and Kyoto University Workshop, 9 April 2018, Japan.
- “The Gender Politics of naming "rural women" in the Development Age of 1960s-1970s in South Korea”, University of Heidelberg and Kyoto University Workshop, 1 December 2017, Germany.
- “Continuity or Change? Analysing the Recruitment and Career Patterns of Japanese Corporate Elites in an Era of Reform”, Europe Association for Japanese Studies, Lisbon, 31 August 2017, Portugal.
- “Becoming Adults and Gender in Korea and Japan”, Seminar at the Institute of Modern Japan, Univeristy of Düsseldorf, 22 June 2017, Germany.
- “Hypermasculine State, Rural Modernity and Women in the 1960s-1970s in South Korea”, Research Workshop, University of Tübingen, June 16 2017, Germany.
- “Gendered Transnational Mobility and Space – Analyzing Education and Career Mobility of Japanese Corporate Elites, Gender Workshop, Vereinigung für sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung (German Association for social science Research on Japan), University of Duisburg, 17 November 2016, Germany.
- “The Spirit of Management in Japan: Recruitment and Career Patterns of Business Elites in a Globalized Economy”, Max Weber and the new Spirit of Capitalism – Self Regulation and Corporate Governance in a Global Economy, Max-Weber Institute for Sociology, University of Heidelberg, 12-14 December 2014, Germany.
- “Family Planning and Women’s Body Politics in South Korea (1960s-1970s)”, Department of Chinese and Korean Studies of the Asia-Orient Institute (AOI), Tübingen University, 3 December 2013, Germany.
- “Women’s Body and Sexuality in South Korea: Developmental State and Family Planning in the 1960s-1970s”, Department of East Asian Studies, Frankfurt University, 31 January 2013, Germany.
- “Women’s Citizenship and Civil Society in South Korea: Gender Politics in Labour Movements”, The 5th Next-Generation Global Workshop, Kyoto University, 6-7 November 2012, Japan.
- “Local Food Movements and Rural Women’s Empowerment in South Korea, Consumer Co-operative Institute of Japan, February 2012, Japan.
- “Women’s Citizenship and Civil Society in South Korea – Gender Politics in Labour Movements”, East-West Center, Honolulu, 21 September 2011, USA.
- “Debates on Gender and Class in Korea”, The Global COE (Center of Excellence) Workshop, The Center for the Study of Social Stratification and Inequality, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University, 29 November 2010, Japan.
- “Forging Discursive for Women in Social Movements: A Case Study of Korean Peasant Women’s Movements in the 1960s-1980s”, 10th Biennial Pacific-Asia Conference on Korean Studies (PACKS 2010), The University of Auckland, 24-25 November 2010, New Zealand.
- “Feminism in Democracy Movements in Korea”, Joint Symposium with Tohoku University and University of California Riverside, Tohoku University, 19-20 November 2010, Japan.
- “Women’s Participation in Korean Peasant Movements”, Korea-Japan International Forum, 26-27 June 2010, Japan.
- “Civil Society and Gender in South Korea”, 7 June 2010 Department of Chinese and Korean Studies of the Asia-Orient Institute (AOI), Tübingen University, Germany.
- “Feminists’ Struggle and Constraints to propagate Women’s Liberation in the 1970s: Case Study of Korean Catholic Rural Women’s Movement”, Asian Studies Conference Japan, Rikkyo University, 21-22 June 2008, Japan.
- “Organizing Rural Women in Korean Peasant Movements in the 1970s”, Chôsenshi Kenkyuukai, 26 April 2008, Japan.
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