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Embodiment as Paradigm of a new Evolutionary Cultural Anthropology

Verk _rperungThe research association "Anthropology and Ethics" of the University of Heidelberg, in which the FIIT cooperates with IFBK (Interdisciplinary Forum for Biomedicine and Cultural Studies) and the Karl-Jaspers-Chair for Philosophical Foundations of Psychatrie has launched a new Marsilius-projekt in the context of the Marsilius-Kolleg: Embodiment as Paradigm of a new Evolutionary Cultural Anthropology.


The Marsilius-Commitee as well as the direction of the University of Heidelberg consider this project as an important contribution to interdisciplinary basic research. "Embodiment" is a promising concept which can avoid reductionist or dualist tendencies in the field of anthropology. The project requires a rigorous and acute dialogue between the different disciplines (Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Cultural Sciences, Humanities). Besides its contribution to basic research in the field of anthropology, the University hopes that practical insights can also be gained from this project, which  might be fruitful for policy advice.



The Marsilius-Project is part of the Research network “Anthropology and Ethics” at Heidelberg University.



2012 Summer School : New Interdisciplinary Anthropology: Body – Mind – Culture

2014 Symposium "Embodiment in Evolution and Culture"

2015 Summer School: Anthropology of Perception

Letzte Änderung: 2015-11-10
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