Prof. Dr. Ingrid Schoberth
Professor of Practical Theology

University of Heidelberg
In practical theology, Prof. Schoberth represents the study area of Christian education. She deals with themes such as "the fundamentals of Christian education," "Christian education and esthetics," "counseling in schools" as well as "Christian education in the schools and democratic virtues." In addition, she has collaborated on the projects "Heil und Heilung" (in cooperation with São Leopoldo, Brazil) and "Die unsichtbare Religion in der sichtbaren Religion." She is vice dean of the theological faculty.
From 2011 on, she has worked on the question of learning discernment in religious education. Funded by the Manfred Lautenschläger Stiftung, she has edited three books on these issues: Urteilen lernen – Grundlegung und Kontexte ethischer Urteilsbildung, Göttingen 2012; Urteilen lernen II. Ästhetische, politische und eschatologische Perspektiven moralischer Urteilsbildung im interdisziplinären Diskurs. Göttingen 2014; Urteilen lernen III. Räume des Urteilens in der Reflexion, in der Schule und in religiöser Bildung.
Prof. Schoberth was awarded a scholarship from the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). She has published articles in scholarly journals and in the lexicon RGG (fourth edition) and is the author of the monographs "Glauben-lernen". "Grundlegung einer katechetischen Theologie," "Erinnerung als Praxis des Glaubens" and "Leonardo da Warhol. Spurensuche des Heiligen im Religionsunterricht." In 2009 she published a study on „Diskursive Religionspädagogik“ („Discursive Religious Education“), presenting the conceptional profile of her a approach to religious education.
Department in FIIT
IV. Religion in the Process of Education
Projects within the framework of FIIT
- The current religious situation of children and youth
- Learning Discernment in Religious Education
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Deutschland |
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