Kristina Sieckmeyer, M.A. - Vorträge

Workshops und Konferenzen



Memories of a distant past. Ancient Reflections on Communication at the Dawn of Writing. Conference “The Past in the Present: the Dynamics of Remembrance”, Warsaw 15th-16th April 2021


Altars, Shrines and Niches - The É.ZAG.GAR.RA and Domestic Worship in Bronze Age Mesopotamia. Workshop “Socioscapes of Ancient Near Eastern Popular Religion”, April 8th 2021, 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Bologna, April 6th to 9th 2021


Walking the Line. University Collections between Teaching, Research, and Knowledge Transfer. Conference, "New Directions in Transcultural Studies", Panel 3:  What are museums good for in the 21st century? A transcultural approach. Heidelberg Center for Transcultural Studies, October 31st 2019.


Only Lumps of Clay? Archaic Hollow Clay Balls unpacked and unwrapped. Workshop “Seals, Stamps and Administration: Digitizing Bureaucracy – Preserving Cultural Heritage”, Heidelberg, 5.-6. Juli 2019                             


Vom Zählen zum Schreiben. Frühe Verwaltungshilfen im Alten Orient. Forschungskolloquium des Philosophischen Instituts, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg                              


Die „Standard Professions List”: Über die Möglichkeit, aus archaischen Texten Rückschlüsse auf die frühe Gesellschaft Mesopotamiens zu ziehen. „Akademische Mittagspause: 5300 Jahre Schrift“, Vortragsreihe des SFB 933 und HCCH, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg


From Numbers to Writing in Uruk Period Mesopotamia. Kolloquium des Exzellenzclusters „Asia and Europe in a Global Context – Shifting Asymmetries in Cultural Flows“


In the Light of Innovations: Tracing the Transfer of Commodities and Knowledge in the “Uruk World”. Konferenz “Appropriating Innovations: Entangled Knowledge in Eurasia, 5000-1500 BCE, Heidelberg, 15. – 17. Januar 2015  


In Vino Veritas?! Tracing “Secondary Products“ in the Uruk Period. Forschungskolloquium des Instituts für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg


Bakr Awa in the Shahrizur Plain: An Ancient City on the Outskirts of Mesopotamia. Konferenz “Archaeological Research in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Athen, 1. – 3. November 2013


The Uruk Period in Upper Mesopotamia: Innovation and Alteration in a Cross-Cultural Interaction Zone. Retreat der Research Area D, Exzellenzcluster „Asia and Europe in a Global Context – Shifting Asymmetries in Cultural Flows“, Rastatt


The Uruk Period in the Iraqi Hilly Flanks: Bridging the Gap. Workshop „Archaeological Research along the Tanjaro River (Iraq)“, Heidelberg

Workshops und Konferenzen


Workshop “Seals, Stamps and Administration: Digitizing Bureaucracy – Preserving Cultural Heritage”, Heidelberg, 5.-6. Juli 2019 (Gefördert durch den Research Council des Field of Focus 3)

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