
Alexander Matt
Seminarstr. 3
69117 Heidelberg
Tel. +49 6221 54-12300

Administrative Office
Özge Kalkan
Tel. +49 6221 54-12301

Jeannette Lindenau
Tel. +49 6221 54-12311

Fax +49 6221 54-12932

All division contacts

Services (GER)
Job Offers (GER)

Division of Planning, Construction and Safety

The Division of Planning, Construction and Safety provides a broad spectrum of services to all university members, including infrastructural developments, the implementation of construction projects as well as a secure and sustainable building operation.


Department 3.1
Building Operations

Department 3.2
Construction and Real Estate

Department 3.3
Occupational Safety

Department 3.4
Space and Energy

Staff Unit
Biological Safety


Our Mission

About the division


Latest news

Conclusion of the new construction agreement

A new construction agreement between the Ministry of Fincance and the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (Ger) was concluded, with retroactive effect to January 1, 2019. The agreement will govern the cooporation concerning construction issues of the University.

Security deposits for keys

We kindly ask all members of Heidelberg University to consider the circular of the University administration about security deposits for keys (German, dated September 07, 2018).


Selected projects

Master plan "Neuenheimer Feld / Neckarbogen" (Ger)

Campus Bergheim of Heidelberg University (project of IBA Heidelberg)

Learning and Communication Environments (Ger)

Center for Asian and Transcultural Studies (CATS) (Ger)

European Institute for Neuromorphic Computing (EINC) (Ger)

Heidelberg 4 Life (H4L) (Ger)

Hörsaal- und Lernzentrum (HLZ) (Ger)

heiCOMACS und Erweiterung Universitätsrechenzentrum (URZ) (Ger)

Email: Editor
Latest revision: 2025-02-24
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