Willkommen! Welcome! Bienvenue!
Symposia at the Studio of Villa Bosch
Heidelberg University
Department of Geography
Berliner Str. 48
69120 Heidelberg

Klara Jungkunz
Linda Sendlinger
Marius Zipf


Volume 18 is out now!

To read Volume 18 "Profession and Proficiency"  click here Externer Inhalt (Open Access)



Why do place and space matter?
more ...
Spatiality of Knowledge
more ...
How to categorize "Knowledge"?
more ...
Extensions of details:

Meusburger, P. (1998): Bildungsgeographie. Wissen und Ausbildung in der räumlichen Dimension. Heidelberg Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 569 p.

Meusburger, P. (2000): The spatial concentration of knowledge. Some theoretical considerations. In: Erdkunde 54 (4), 352-364.

Meusburger, P. (2001): Geography of Knowledge, Education and Skills. In: Smelser N. J. and Baltes P. B. (editors): International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences Vol 12, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 8120-8126.

Editor: Webmaster
Latest Revision: 2021-07-01
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