Marzia Raza


Raza Marzia                  


Ruprecht Karls University of Heidelberg
Institute of Political Science (IPW)
Bergheimerstr. 58
69115 Heidelberg
Room No: 03/320, Bergheimerstr. 20


Marzia Raza completed her Master’s degree in Political Science at Osnabrück University in 2021. Previously, she studied International Relations at Karachi University in Pakistan. She has been working as a researcher at IPW since December 2022, and enrolled here as a PhD student since July 2023. Her research interest is in the areas of contentious mobilization and regime change. She focuses on the dynamics of protest initiation, protest diffusion, and the structural effects of episodes of collective mobilization. Her dissertation studies the autocratizing effects of electoral integrity protests in a hybrid regime setting. She has extensively studied select cases of self-organized protests and riots in India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. See her current CV here.


Articles and book chapters

  • Schulte, F. and Raza, M. (2025). “Ein Kausalmodell zur Erklärung von nicht-linearen Eskalationsdynamiken ethnischer Konflikte: Selbstorganisation, kollektive Emotionen und Triggerereignisse,” KonfliktDynamik, 1/2025. 39-47.    
  • Salman, M. and Raza, M. (2023). “A Frozen Democratic Transition: Pakistan’s Hybrid Regime and Weak Party System,” in Constitutional Resilience in South Asia (eds.) Khaitan, T.; Jhaveri, S.; Samararatne, D., Hart Bloomsbury London, 369-396.
  • Raza, M. (upcoming 2026). “He victimised us, then rubbed it in!”: How the reinforcement of a repressive trigger and first mover involvement mobilised a Pakistani Pashtun movement,” in Sparks of Protest: Triggers, Emotions, and Upheaval Waves in Cultural Identity Conflicts (eds.) Schulte, F.; Trinn, C. Amsterdam University Press.
  • Raza, M. (upcoming 2026). “The Backfire Effect: How affective resonances of police repression ignited the anti-CAA mobilisation at Shaheen Bagh,” in Sparks of Protest: Triggers, Emotions, and Upheaval Waves in Cultural Identity Conflicts (eds.) Schulte, F.; Trinn, C. Amsterdam University Press.
  • Raza, M. (upcoming 2026). “Emotions and organization in the 2018 anti-Muslim violence in Kandy, Sri Lanka,” in Sparks of Protest: Triggers, Emotions, and Upheaval Waves in Cultural Identity Conflicts (eds.) Schulte, F.; Trinn, C. Amsterdam University Press.

Book review

  • Raza, M. (2023). “Rioting for representation: local ethnic mobilization in democratizing countries,” by Risa J. Toha, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, (2023) in Democratization, Vol. 30, Issue 4, 765-767.


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