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The current issue of Democratization is available online on the journal homepage

International Studies Review
Aurel Croissant is member of the Editorial Board of International Studies Review

The current issue of Asian Journal of Political Science is available online.

Asian Politics & Policy
Aurel Croissant is member of the International Editorial Advisory Board of Asian Politics & Policy

Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs
Aurel Croissant is member of the International Advisory Board of Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs


Prof. Dr. Aurel Croissant


Professor of Political Science


Croissant, Aurel
Copyright Universität Heidelberg, Kommunikation und Marketing

Contact information

Heidelberg University
Institute of Political Science
Bergheimer Str. 58
Room No.: 03.008
D-69115 Heidelberg, Germany

Phone: +49-6221-542882
Phone (Secretary): +49-6221-542883
Fax: +49-6221-542896


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Prof. Dr. Aurel Croissant is Professor of Political Science at the Institute of Political Science, Ruprecht-Karls-University, Heidelberg. His main research interests include the comparative analysis of political structures and processes in East- and Southeast Asia, the theoretical and empirical analysis of democracy, civil-military relations, terrorism and political violence. Further information can be found in the curriculum vitae Adobe and on the following pages:

  • Bio Externer Inhalt - here, you will find more information on me and my academic career.
  • Publications Adobe - contains a complete list of my publications.
  • In the media Externer Inhalt - where links to a seleciton of my media appearances are referenced.

Recent Publications

Book Cover Croissant _a. And D. Kuehn. Civil-military Relations And Democracy In The Third Wave. Oxford University PressBook Cover Croissant _a. And O. Hellmann _eds. . Democracy _state Capacity And The Governance Of Covid-19 In Asia-oceania. New York And London Routledge       Book Cover Croissant _a. And J. Haynes _eds. . Democratic Regressions In Asia. London And New York Routledge       Book Cover Croissant _a. Comparative Politics Of Southeast Asia. An Introduction. Second _updated And Extended Edition. Springer        Book Cover Croissant _a. Politische Systeme In Südostasien. Ein Einführung. Zweite _aktualisierte Und Erweiterte Ausgabe

  • Croissant, A., T. Eschenauer-Engler, and D. Kuehn. forthcoming. The Dictator’s Endgame. Coups, Repressions and Military Loyalty Shifts in Anti-Incumbent Mass Protest.

  • Croissant, A. and L. Tomini (eds.). forthcoming. The Routledge Handbook of Autocratization. New York and London: Routledge.

  • Croissant, A., D. Kuehn, and D. Pion-Berlin (eds.) forthcoming. Edward Elgar Research Handbook on Civil-Military Relations. London: Edward Elgar.

  • Croissant, A., and D. Kuehn. 2023. Civil-Military Relations and Democracy in the Third Wave. Oxford University Press.

  • Croissant, A. and O. Hellmann (eds.). 2023. Democracy, State Capacity and the Governance of COVID-19 in Asia-Oceania. New York and London: Routledge.

  • Croissant, A. and L. Pelke. 2023. COVID-19 and Democracy: Creeping Autocratization? In: A. Croissant and O. Hellmann (eds.), Democracy, State Capacity and the Governance of COVID-19 in Asia-Oceania. New York and London: Routledge.

  • Croissant, A. and O. Hellmann. 2023. Conclusion. In: A. Croissant and O. Hellmann (eds.), Democracy, State Capacity and the Governance of COVID-19 in Asia-Oceania. New York and London: Routledge.

  • Croissant, A. and O. Hellmann. 2023. Introduction: Democracy and State Capacity during Times of Crisis. In: A. Croissant and O. Hellmann (eds.), Democracy, State Capacity and the Governance of COVID-19 in Asia-Oceania. New York and London: Routledge.

  • Croissant, A. and J. Haynes (eds.). 2023. Democratic Regressions in Asia. London and New York: Routledge.

  • Kuehn, D. and A. Croissant. 2023. Die politische Kontrolle des Militärs. In Militärsoziologie - Eine Einführung, 3. Auflage, ed. by Jaqueline Werkner. Wiesbaden: Springer.

  • Croissant, A. 2022. Comparative Politics of Southeast Asia. An Introduction. Second, updated and extended edition. Springer.

  • Croissant, A. 2022. Politische Systeme in Südostasien. Ein Einführung. Zweite, aktualisierte und erweiterte Ausgabe. Springer.

  • Croissant, A., and L. Pelke. 2022. Measuring Policy Performance, Democracy and Governance Capacities: A conceptual and methodological assessment of the Sustainable Governance Indicators. European Policy Analysis,

  • Croissant, A. and A. de Roble Macias Herrera. 2022. Ungesunde zivil-militärische Beziehungen? Militär und Pandemiebekämpfung in Lateinamerika. In: W. Muno, C. Wagner, T. Kestler, C. Mohamad-Klotzbach (eds.), Staat, Rechtsstaat und Demokratie. Konzeptionelle und aktuelle Diskussionen in der vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer.

  • Croissant, A. “Foreword”. In: The Parliamentary Elections of 2019 in India. Democracy at the Crossroad? Edited by S. K Mitra, R. Saxena and P. Mukherjee. Dehli: Routledge.

  • Croissant, A. (eds.). 2021. Ressourcen. Rohstoffe, Daten, Menschen. Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Press, DOI:

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