
Tanja Eschenauer-Engler, M.A.







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Tanja Eschenauer-Engler ist Doktorandin am Institut für Politische Wissenschaft Heidelberg. Ihre Forschungsinteressen umfassen Autokratieforschung, zivil-militärische Beziehungen, Militärcoups und ihre Anführer sowie die Rolle von Streitkräften in Massenmobilisierungsprozessen. Von 2015 bis 2019 war sie Mitarbeiterin im von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) geförderten Forschungsprojekt "Diktatorenendspiel. Theorie und empirische Analyse militärischen Handelns in autoritären Regimekrisen, 1946-2014".  

In ihrem Dissertationsprojekt untersucht sie die Rolle von Streitkräften in Regimekrisen in Autokratien. 



Journal Articles 

  • Eschenauer-Engler, Tanja, and Bastian Herre. 2023. Coup leaders: A New Comprehensive Dataset, 1950–2020. European Political Science: online first. 

  • Eschenauer-Engler, Tanja. 2023. Soldiers and Protest: A Set-Theory Perspective on Military Repression of Anti-Regime Mass Mobilization in Autocracies. International Interactions: online first.

  • Eschenauer-Engler, Tanja. 2023. Armed forces and Airwaves: Media control and Military Coups in Autocracies. Contemporary Politics: online first.

  • Croissant, Aurel, David Kuehn, and Tanja Eschenauer. 2018. Masses and Militaries: The Outcomes of Dictators’ Endgames. Journal of Democracy 29 (3): 141-155.

  • Croissant, Aurel, David Kuehn, and Tanja Eschenauer. 2018. The Dictator’s Endgame: Explaining Military Behavior in Nonviolent Anti-Incumbent Mass Protests. Democracy and Security 14 (2): 174-199.

  • Croissant, Aurel, Tanja Eschenauer, and Jil Kamerling. 2017. Militaries’ Roles in Political Regimes: Introducing the PRM data set. European Political Science 16 (3): 400-414. doi: 10.1057/s41304-016-0083-6.

Book Chapters

  • Eschenauer-Engler, Tanja, and Jil Kamerling. 2019. “Measuring Effectiveness and Control". In Civil–Military Relations in Comparative Perspective: The Nexus of Control and Effectiveness, eds. Aurel Croissant and Thomas Bruneau. 

  • Croissant, Aurel, Tanja Eschenauer, and Jil Kamerling. 2018. “The Military and Autocratic Regime Crises.” In Crisis in Autocratic Regimes, eds. Johannes Gerschewski and Christoph Stefes. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 89-110.

  • Croissant, Aurel and Tanja Eschenauer. 2017. “The Military and Politics in the Mediterranean.” In Routledge Handbook of Mediterranean Politics, eds. Richard Gillespie and Frédéric Volpi. Oxon and New York: Routledge: 157-170.



Political Roles of the Military (PRM) Dataset 2.0


The Political Roles of the Military (PRM) Dataset contains information on 120 democratic and autocratic countries for the period 1999–2016.

Aurel Croissant, Tanja Eschenauer, Jil Kamerling. "Militaries’ Roles in Political Regimes: Introducing the PRM Data Set", in European Political Science,  2016.

PRM 2.0 (.zip format)

PRM 2.0 Codebook (.pdf)


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