Dr. Felix Schulte
Contact information Institute of Political Science Mail: felix.schulte@ipw.uni-heidelberg.de Room: 03-010 |
Felix Schulte received his BA from Cath. University Eichstätt and Linköpings University (Sweden), where he studied Political Science, Sociology and History (2008-2011), and his MA in Political Science from Heidelberg University in 2014. His research interests include ethnic conflicts, minority issues and post-conflict institutional engineering. Felix was a guest researcher at the Åland Islands Peace Institute (Finland) and the Institute for Minority Rights at EURAC Bolzano (Italy). Since 2016, he is lecturer of Comparative Politics at the IPW. For additional information please refer to the curriculum vitae.
2020. Peace through Self-Determination. Success and Failure of Territorial Autonomy, Palgrave McMillan, Cham.
Peer-reviewed Articles
- 2020. Untangling territorial self-governance - new typology and data, In: Regional & Federal Studies, DOI: 10.1080/13597566.2020.1795837 (with C. Trinn).
- 2019. Research Note: Publication and Collaboration Patterns in Autonomy Research – A Bibliometric Analysis, In: Journal of Autonomy and Security Studies, Vol 3, Nr. 2.
- 2018. Toward a Multi-Causal Model of Successful Conflict Regulation through Territorial Self-Government. Lessons from South Tyrol, In: Austrian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 47, Nr. 4.
- 2018. The more, the better? Assessing the scope of regional autonomy as a key condition of ethnic conflict regulation, In: International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, Vol. 25, Nr. 1.
- 2017. Two Birds, One Stone – War-to-Democracy Processes after Ethnic Conflicts, In: Sicherheit und Frieden, Vol. 35, Nr. 1, S. 13-22.
- 2017. Ålands Autonomie. Implikationen für eine friedliche Bearbeitung ethnischer Konflikte, In: W+F Wissenschaft und Frieden, Vol. 36, Nr. 4.
- 2015. Frieden durch Föderalismus, In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, Vol. 65, Nr. 28-30, S. 36-40.
- 2015. Conflict Regulation through Self-Rule – Success Factors of Territorial Autonomy Systems, In: Report from the Åland Islands Peace Institute, Nr. 1, April 2015.
- 2014. Geteiltes Leid, halbes Leid, halber Konflikt: Eine Untersuchung des Einflusses von Naturkatastrophen auf zwischenstaatliche Konflikte, In: PolisReflects, Vol 1. Nr. 1, S. 39-66.
Policy Reports
- 2020. Mapping Integration Indicators. A Reference Tool for Evaluating the Implementation of Ljubljana Guidelines-based Policy, Report commissioned by the HCNM/OSCE (with R. Medda-Windischer, S. Spiliopoulou Åkermark, S. Cramer Marsal, forthcoming)
- Review of “Minority Self-Government in Europe and the Middle East. From Theory to Practice” by O. Akbulut and E. Aktoprak (Brill), In: European Yearbook of Minority Issues, Brill, forthcoming
- 2020. Territorial Self-Governance Dataset (TERRGO v1.1): https://territorial-governance.com
- 2019. Territorial Autonomy Literature Datasets (TALD): https://www.felix-schulte.de/data/tald/