Research Training Group In Diabetes To Continue Its Successful Work
15. Mai 2017
DFG approves approx. 4,9 million euros for DIAMICOM – Heidelberg joins new RTG in the field of mathematical psychology
The international Research Training Group DIAMICOM (IRTG), which is preparing young researchers in the field of diabetes research, will continue its successful work at Heidelberg University for another four-and-a-half years. The German Research Foundation has approved approx. 4,9 million euros for a second funding period. The Diabetic Microvascular Complications IRTG at Mannheim offers a structured qualification programme to eight doctoral candidates in the life sciences and eight in medicine at the Medical Faculties of Heidelberg and Mannheim. The Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (The Netherlands) is a cooperation partner. Ruperto Carola is also represented in a new Research Training Group (RTG) in the field of mathematical psychology, the "Statistical Modeling in Psychology" RTG, or SMiP.
In particular, the DIAMICOM Research Training Group is investigating the mechanisms in diabetes that lead to damage in the small vessels of the eyes, kidneys and nerves. The young researchers in IRTG 1874 work intensively with other research fellows at the universities of Heidelberg and Groningen. The international cooperation offers special support for the doctoral degree projects: In addition to a mentor in Mannheim or Heidelberg, the research fellows also receive support from a second mentor in Groningen. Furthermore, the young researchers are also completing a comprehensive training programme supported by the partners at the Dutch university. "This way, they are introduced to all aspects of international cooperation early on," states Prof. Dr Hans-Peter Hammes, Mannheim medical scientist. "The joint grant for doctoral candidates in both the life sciences and medicine gives the young researchers insight into each other's disciplines, facilitating later cross-discipline collaborations." Other cooperation partners include a research-based pharmaceutical company and a startup at the University of Groningen that are both responsible for specific mentoring tasks in various areas. The group's spokespersons include Prof. Hammes and Prof. Dr Jens Kroll, a biomedical researcher who also teaches and conducts research at the Medical Faculty Mannheim of Heidelberg University. Prof. Dr Han Moshage is the spokesperson from Groningen University.
The SMiP Research Training Group, which the German Research Foundation just approved for an initial funding phase of four-and-a-half years, will focus on the application of statistical models to answer questions in psychological research. The institutes of psychology of the universities of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Tübingen, Freiburg and Koblenz-Landau are cooperating in this group. Prof. Dr Andreas Voß, who heads the quantitative research methods unit at the Institute of Psychology, will represent Heidelberg in the research and training programme. The internationally oriented RTG is scheduled to launch its work in October of this year with initial positions for ten doctoral candidates, one post-doc and one scientific coordinator. The DFG is providing approx. five million euros in funding.