
Articles assigned to genre

prose (散文, san wen) :: 3019 entries
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文/ 苦女碑 - Essay/ The plaque of bitter girl
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 11 (1919), p. 111
新派诗说 - Talk on new style poetry
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 11 (1919), p. 155
科學小識/ 水琴 - Little knowledge of science/ Xylophone
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 11 (1919), p. 162
本雜誌今後之方針 - The objectives of this journal from now on
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 18
婦女之解放與改造 - The liberation and transformation of women
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 22
難病之治療法(續) - Treatments for severe diseases (continued)
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 29
柞蠶圖說略 - A brief graphic and descriptive introduction to Zha silkworms
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 31
秋季食物之儲藏 - The perservation of food in autumn
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 32
月世界 - The world of the moon
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 37
烹調秘術(續) - Cooking secrets (continued)
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 40
染色術 (續) - Methods of dying (continued)
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 43
動物護身之方法 - Animals' protection techniques
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 48
冬季盆景栽培法 - Cultivation techniques of bonsai in winter
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 53
日光療病之新法 - New techniques of sun-light treatment for diseases
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 55
免除惡癖之育兒談 - Childrearing talk on the correction of bad habits
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 62
婦人妊娠期內與產後乳房部之保護法 - Care for women's breats during pregnancy and after childbirth
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 65
治家四要(續) - The four most imporant things for homemakers (continued)
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 66
人種改良學之研究方法 - Research methods for eugenics
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 79
妊娠及產後之攝生法 - Health conservation during pregnancy and after childbirth
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 83
世界女子參政運動考 - Research on women's participation in political movements in the world
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 103
文學之神秘 - The mystery of literature
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 134
愛與妬 - Love and envy
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 134
一夕話 - Overnight conversation
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 137
田螺之寄生蟲 - Parasites in river snails
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 137
科學小識 (續) - Little knowledge about science (continued)
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 140
科學小製造 - Little inventions of science
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 143
科學趣味 - Wonder of science
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 147
家庭新游藝 - New recreation for family
article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 12 (1919), p. 151
解放婢女議 - Discussion on the liberation of maids
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 1 (1920), p. 36
現在婦女所要求的是什麼 - What is the need of women now
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 1 (1920), p. 42
文學圖說 - Illustrative explanation of literature
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 1 (1920), p. 50
科學的救旱方法 - Scientific ways to control drought
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 1 (1920), p. 58
新文體之一夕談 - The night talk of new literary style
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 1 (1920), p. 63
人種改良學之研究方法 (續五卷十二號) - Research methods for eugenics (vol. 5, no. 12 continued)
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 1 (1920), p. 68
歷史上的婦人 - Famous women in history
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 1 (1920), p. 80
人體內的軍隊 - The army in human's body
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 1 (1920), p. 88
兒童讀物的研究 - Research on children's readings
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 1 (1920), p. 92
小兒心病治療法 - Treatment for children's heart problems
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 1 (1920), p. 94
本國產各種補劑之研究 - Research on domestic tonics
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 1 (1920), p. 107
家庭與科學 - Family and science
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 1 (1920), p. 111
摘棉細工(續五卷七號) - Picking cotton for delicate work (vol. 5, no. 7 continued)
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 1 (1920), p. 114
錯視 - Illusion
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 1 (1920), p. 117
猿的智慧 - The wisdom of apes
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 1 (1920), p. 149
熊話 - Bear talk
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 1 (1920), p. 154
溜臻豆 - Scattering beans
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 1 (1920), p. 160
飛行圖 - Aeroplane chess
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 1 (1920), p. 166
代張女士討凍瘃檄 - On behalf of Ms. Zhang talking about the treatment of chilblains
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 2 (1920), p. 25
婚姻自由 - Freedom of marriage
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 2 (1920), p. 31
火星與地球 - Mars and earth
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 2 (1920), p. 47
真珠與假珠 - Real pearl and fake pearl
article: Funü zazhi vol. 6 no. 2 (1920), p. 49

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