
Keywords assignment

movies (電影, dian ying) 643 entries
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國光星影錄 - A record of national glory films
article: Funü zazhi vol. 8 no. 3 (1922), p. 86
贈送十日試用管請即填寄贈卷 - Please fill out the coupon to receive a free ten-day sample
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 1 (1926), p. 57
我國的俳優 - The actors of our country
article: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 1 (1926), p. 259
發明界的驚異 - The amazements in the world of invention
image: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 4 (1926), p. 114
發明界的驚異 - The amazements in the world of invention
image: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 4 (1926), p. 116
發明界的驚異 - The amazements in the world of invention
article: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 4 (1926), p. 119
必素定牙膏 - Pepsodent toothpaste
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 5 (1926), p. 31
怎能安慰親心/ 憑着良心做去 - How to comfort the hearts of family members/ Do things based on one's conscientiousness
article: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 5 (1926), p. 69
美國的家庭美術會 - Family art exhibits in America
article: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 6 (1926), p. 45
家庭電影 - Home movies
image: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 7 (1926), p. 86
家庭電影 - Home movies
image: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 7 (1926), p. 88
家庭電影 - Home movies
image: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 7 (1926), p. 90
家庭電影 - Home movies
image: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 7 (1926), p. 93
最精良之電影軟片 - The most delicate movie films
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 8 (1926), p. 22
必素定牙膏 - Pepsodent toothpaste
image: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 9 (1926), p. 49
必素定牙膏 - Pepsodent toothpaste
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 9 (1926), p. 49
必素定牙膏 - Pepsodent toothpaste
image: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 10 (1926), p. 32
必素定牙膏 - Pepsodent toothpaste
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 10 (1926), p. 32
必素定牙膏 - Pepsodent toothpaste
image: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 11 (1926), p. 29
必素定牙膏 - Pepsodent toothpaste
image: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 11 (1926), p. 29
必素定牙膏 - Pepsodent toothpaste
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 11 (1926), p. 29
琵琶的怨語 - The melancholy of the pipa
article: Funü zazhi vol. 12 no. 12 (1926), p. 148
婦女與電影職業 - Women and film industry
article: Funü zazhi vol. 13 no. 6 (1927), p. 69
寒戀重衾覺夢多/正似香煙繚繞中 - Heavy quilts are needed in cold weather and that brings more naps and dreams/Just like being surrounded by smoke
article: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 2 (1929), p. 138
隨筆/ 作了父親 (七) - Jotting/ When we have kids (seven)
article: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 1 (1931), p. 73
遺失 - Lost
article: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 4 (1931), p. 54
墨西哥的婦女 - Women of Mexico
article: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 4 (1931), p. 101
寫給在海外的幾個朋友的信 - Letter to several friends overseas
article: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 5 (1931), p. 52
無限制 - No Limit
article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 1 (1931), p. 23
新月 - New Moon
article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 1 (1931), p. 23
臨時妻子 - Part-time Wife
article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 1 (1931), p. 23
無限制 - No Limit
image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 1 (1931), p. 23
新月 - New Moon
image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 1 (1931), p. 23
臨時妻子 - Part time wife
image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 1 (1931), p. 23
後台的浪漫青春 - Romatic Youth Behind the Scenes
article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 1 (1931), p. 29
甜——南錫卡洛 - Sweet-Nancy Carroll
article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 1 (1931), p. 30
玲瓏消息 - Linglong News
article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 1 (1931), p. 30
克洛勃萊克及愛姆樸合演之『桑娜』 - Clive Brook and Evelyn Brent together in their movie "Sangna"
image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 1 (1931), p. 36
熱情花 - The Passion
article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 2 (1931), p. 24
戰地看護 - War Nurse
article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 2 (1931), p. 24
[No caption] -
image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 2 (1931), p. 24
編輯者言 - Editor's note
article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 2 (1931), p. 27
健矣 珍妮 - Janet - in Good Health Again!
article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 2 (1931), p. 29
曼麗懷春 - Mary (Pickford) thinking of spring
article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 2 (1931), p. 31
克萊拉寶怕熱 - Clara Bow is afraid of being (regarded as) "hot"
article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 2 (1931), p. 33
吻在銀幕上 - Kisses on the movie screen
article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 2 (1931), p. 34
血染征塵 - Fighting Caravans
article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 3 (1931), p. 24
[No caption] -
image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 3 (1931), p. 24
[No caption] -
image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 3 (1931), p. 24
琵琵出浴 - Bebe (Daniels) getting out of the bath
article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 3 (1931), p. 25