No. 035 (11 November, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 40 (40 total)
預告Advance notice
欲補本刊者注意Notice for those who want to subscribe our magazine afterwards
讀者若購日貨七日之內必有不如意之事Readers, if you buy Japanese products, something bad will definitely will definitely happen to you within seven days
漢倫豔容洗面露,漢倫豔容洗面粉,漢倫豔容霜Hanlun washing liquid for beautiful face, Hanlun washing powder for beautiful face, Hanlun cream for beautiful face
王開照相館Wang Kai photo studio
逸園 Leisure garden (Candigrome)
玲瓏圖畫雜誌Lin Loon Magazine
矮克發洋行Agfa foreign firm
培根生髮香水Birch Hairwater, Hair-Tonic
廣告價目The advertisement price
案件評述,Comment on Law Cases
玲瓏醬油Linglong soy sauce
莫忘關外慘狀,永遠不買日貨Don't forget the miserable sight outside Shanhaiguan Pass, never buy Japanese products
永遠抵制日貨,便得最後勝利Boycott Japanese products forever, so we will gain the final victory