No. 052 (01 June, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
本期要目important contents
不要嘗試去騙 「他 」或 「她 」
叔本華的婦女論Schopenhauer on women
怎樣做人的婆母和丈母娘how mothers-in-law have to behave
對待傲慢丈夫的方法methods for treating arrogant husbands
我的人生觀my opinions on life
青春期的意義與男女的差別 (續)the sence of adolescence and the distinction between men and women
陸小姐手叚真辣 (未完)
解答疑難Doubts, difficulties and solutions
怎樣使不愛我的人愛我? (續)how to make someone loves me who doesn't love me
產後常識Common Knowlegde on Costnatal Care
產婦狀態 (未完 )condition of women after childbirth (to be continued)
解除婚约break off an engagement
虐待養女maltreatment of adopted daughter
不要做蠟燭don't be a candle
女學生失身懊悔female student feels regret about losing her virginity
慕爾堂是妓校嗎?Is the Moore church a school for prostitutes?
小寶寶哭了little baby crying
嬰兒與睡眠 (續)babies and sleep (continued)
男子底魔力fascination of men
結婚的前後before and after getting married
『吃醋』的典故literary quotation on 「to be jealous」
嫁後歸來coming back (home) after marriage
摩登青年的戀愛love of the modern youth
馳愛lost in love
收音機與天線radio and antenna
嘉寳決計脫離好萊塢Garbo definitely gets away from Hollywood
好萊塢屑聞Hollywood trivial news
史璜生得弄瓦之喜Gloria Swanson getting pregnant with a baby girl
喜修脚趾的嘉賓Garbo who likes painting her toes