No. 128 (17 January, 1934)
Pages available: 1 - 64 (64 total)
本期要目Important contents of this issue
希特勒對德國婦女的期望Hitler's expectations from German women
男性的面面觀comprehensive survey on men
甘肅婦女的分析Analyses of Gansu women
婦女國貨年中愛國婦女的信條The tenet of patriotic women of female domestic goods in a year
愛情不是結婚唯一要件Love is not the only condition for marriage
無法排除愛心共鳴的結晶Unable to remove the crystal of loving sympathy
嫁給橫暴的丈夫Married to a brutal husband
男女早晚婚之害The harm of men and women's sooner or later marriage
完美之家庭A perfect family
牙粉之功用The function of tooth powder
日之保護法Japanese protective law
香漿糊製法the making of delicate paste
面部美容之總總(下)The sum of facial beauty (continued)
歸甯不同Returning to Nanjing is not the same
堂姐堂弟Elder female counsin and younger male cousin
介紹玲瓏Introducing Linglong
編輯者言Editor's note
她的心Her heart
黃色的愛Yellow love
同性愛兩女不嫁Same-sex love: two women do not marry
嬰孩與沐浴Bathing infants
海南島的姐妹會Sister's meeting at Hainan Island
一九三三年最劣與最佳的表演The worst and best performances in 1933
聖林花絮Titbits of the Sacred Forest
給野貓皇帝的幽默賀函Sending a humorous letter of congratulations to
米高梅來華拍「福地」Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc comes to China to shoot (the movie) "Lucky Place"