No. 152 (12 September, 1934)
Pages available: 1 - 64 (64 total)
本期要目Important contents of this issue
取締婦女裸腿Banning women's uncovered legs
『找不到幾個乾淨的女人』?Cannot find a few clean/complete women ?
現代德國婚事十誡Titbits from weddings in contemporary Germany
情人.妻子.丈夫Lovers, wives, husbands
蘇俄的婦女Soviet women
從三萬八千次離婚案中得來的經驗談Talking about the experiences of 38000 divorce cases
求學,節育。Going to school, practising birth control
兒童健康營與兒童公育Healthy nourishment for children and
白帶與淋病Leucorrhoea and gonorrhea
避臭蟲攪擾Prevent being bothered by unwelcome bugs
除痣法How to get rid of moles
小常識Little common knowledge
美容通問Beauty news
遇人不淑Meeting people is not ladylike
語錄Recorded utterance
歌女反對桃花草Singer girls opposing peach blossom straws
好萊塢影星與貞操Hollywood movie stars and chastity
影星小食譜Movie stars' little recipes
好萊塢明星籌備避綁工作Hollywood stars arrange work
影星有助共黨嫌疑Movie stars help communist party suspicion
宣景琳大發「老」騷Xuan Jinglin
舒繡文與明星訂約三年Shu Xiuwen and Mingxing enter a contract of 3 years
王漢倫潛行來滬Wang Hanlun secretly visits Shanghai
明星生活瑣談Trivial chat on stars' lives
編輯室Editor's office