Funü zazhi
No. 001 (05 January, 1915)
Pages available: 1 - 204 (204 total)
婦女雜誌第一卷第一號目錄The Ladies' Journal Table of Contents 1.1
婦女雜誌發刊辭一Inaugural Essay I
發刊辭二Inaugural Essay II
發刊辭三Inaugural Essay III
發刊辭四Inaugural Essay IV
敬述吾家舊德為婦女雜誌祝Recounting the old virtues of my family to celebrate [the inauguration of] Funu zazhi
余之女子教育觀My views on women's education
論女子宜通小學Women should learn etymology [Xiaoxue]
讀郇子勸學篇Reading Quanxuebian by Xunzi
論泥古之非On weaknesses of the ancient past
論游歷有益於文學On travel as inspiration for literature
女子職業造福社會論On the benefits of women's work on society
女子宜廣習各項工藝說Women should learn a variety of handicrafts
記許穉梅先生之演說Reciting the speech of Mr. Xu Zhimei
艾迪演說記略Notes on the speech of Aidi
學藝Learning and skill [title page]
幾何畫法How to draw geometic diagrams
幾何畫法How to draw geometic diagrams
不定方程式Irregular formulae
日用理化學淺話Everyday physics and chemistry explained
璇璣碎錦柳帶同心結春怨詞A palindrome of song lyrics on regrets of the spring/palindrome
化妝品製造法略說Brief notes about the manufacturing of cosmetics
家政Home economics [title page]
論小半臂與女子體育On "small [breast-binding] vests" and women's physical education
婦女衛生談On women's hygiene
女子發育時代之運動Exercises for women during puberty
烹飪學/ 雞卵之研究Culinary knowlege - eggs
名著Famous writings [title page]
女世說(卷一)Biographies of women (volume 1)
小說Fiction [title page]
黃鸝語Sound of a golden oriole
寒泉一掬A scoop from the cold spring [Excerpt from a book?]
德皇之偵探(一名偵探之偵探)Spy of the German King, the spy of all spies
蓴廬雜綴Random notes from the Brasenia Hut
譯海Translated works [title page]
原口氏之女子參政論Haraguchi on women's suffrage
歐洲風雲中之東鱗西爪 - 英后及梅麗公主Stories from the war in Europe - The British Queen and Princess Mary ?
歐洲風雲中之東鱗西爪 - 瑞士出險記Stories from the war in Europe - The escape to Switzerland
英國女子之經商實驗談British women's practical experience of business
家庭新智識New knowledge for the household
蘇州正本女學校校歌The school song of Zhengben Girls' School in Suzhou
文苑Literary garden [title page]
送徐君德慧至京師序Farewell to Xu Dehui on her departure for Beijing
記中秋Remebering the mid-autumn festival
述舊篇Remembering the past
松林庵消夏記Summer at the Songlin Temple
讀選樓詩稿Poems from the Duxuan study
太倉王采蘋女史畫屏四幅即題四律The four poems composed by Ms. Wang Caiping of Taicang to inscribe her four painting scrolls
燭影搖紅- 庚戌感事偕徐芷升同賦
渡江雲 - 問秋In the melody of Dujiangyun - questioning in autumn
憶秦娥 - 聽簫In the melody of Yin qin e - listening to the sound of the flute
美術Art [title page]
玉臺藝乘Arts of the jade terrace
諧文錄雋 - 黃嬌傳Classic humourous story - the story of Huang Jiao
雜俎Miscellaneous collection [title page]
兒女的說話訓練Speaking training for children
天足考略Research on natural foot
今婦人集Today's women
可中亭傳奇The legend of Kezhong pavillion
傳記Biography [title page]
孝女何愛文傳Biography of filial daughter He Aiwen
阿靈小傳A short biography of A Ling
先妣周孺人寒燈課子圖記Story of my late Mother Zhou Ruren instructing [her] children on a cold night
紀載 Digest [Title page]
餘興Entertainment [title page]
西笑叢譯Translations of jokes from the West
九連環/ 幻術之一種Magic tricks with nine rings
編輯餘瀋Afterthoughts of the editor
徵集文字圖片Call for articles and pictures