Funü zazhi
No. 004 (01 April, 1923)
Pages available: 1 - 159 (159 total)
婦女雜誌第九卷第四號目錄The ladies' journal volume 9, issue 4, table of contents
婦女主義之科學的基礎The scientific foundations of feminism
家族中的婦女Women in the family
從家庭生活到人類生活 (日本秋田雨雀著)From family life to human life (by Japanese author, Ujaku Akita)
全國司法會議通過女律師案The case of a judicial council passes a woman as lawyer
告中國女權運動者A message to those who are part of China's movement for women's rights
廢除婢女的希望The hopes of servant girls revoked
我們應當怎樣救濟小孩How should we relieve the distress of children
愛情的表現與結婚生活Married life and expressions of love
新舊的衝突Conflicts between new and old
重圓的希望(改良環境和增進學識)Hopes to be reunited (changing the social environment and enhancing knowledge)
對於 '逃婚' 的同情Sympathy for fleeing an arranged marriage
一封信 A letter
女性觀和戀愛觀Outlooks on women and outlooks on love
我的離婚的前後(兼質鄭振壎先生)Before and after my divorce
婦女的非人時代(促普天下男人反省)The times when women were not considered human (urging introspection among all men)
偏見的男性之偏見(貴曠夫先生)The biases of men (by Mr. Gui Kuangfu)
太富於科學家色彩的鄭先生The wealthy and scientific Mr. Zheng
請看我的對她Please observe my interactions with her
對於四條問題的答案Regarding answers to four questions
一點意見A few suggestions
不要向弱者宣布死刑Do not mention the death penalty to the weak
女子是有情的Girls are persons of feeling
時髦與改良Fashion and change
婦女解放的必要The need for women's emancipation
沒有重圓的可能No possibility of reuniting
從大家庭生活到個人生活 From life in a big family to life as an individual
日本託兒所視察記Record of the inspection of a nursery
第三國際對於婦女問題的決議Approaches among third world countires in resolving the woman question
憂愁夫人The sorrowful madame
村婦Village women
獄中 (阿美尼亞阿伽洛年原著)In prison (original by Armenian writer Aijaluonian)
十六 (愛華德薛歌蕾兒作)Sixteen
母親的哭泣 Mothers's sobs
我和她 Her and I
小詩六首Six verses
女子之性的知識(續), 美國魯賓孫(William J. Robinson)原著Women's knowledge of sex
烹飪用具之研究An examination of culinary untensils
烹飪食物的原理 Principles of food
兒童的遊戲和玩具The toys and games of children
上海婦女團體致絲業董事書A writing by the director of Shanghai's womens silk manufacturing organization
讀前號 Before reading
編輯餘錄Message from the editors