Funü Shibao
No. 019 (31 July, 1916)
Pages available: 1 - 146 (146 total)
婦女時報十九號Funü shibao issue no. 19
王茂漪女士 (現肆業於美國祝治華盛頓大學)Ms. Wang Maoyi (currently studying at the George Washington University in the United States )
民國五年九月環球中國學生會歡送留美男女學生攝影September 1916, the International Chinese Students Association bid farewell to the male and female students who are leaving for their study in the United States
湯修慧女士Ms. Tang Xiuhui
黃含章女士Ms. Huang Hanzhang
浙江女子師範學校職員徐伍女士Ms. Xu Wu, staff at the Zhejiang Normal School for Women
法學家黃韻濤君與朱筱雲女士結婚圖Wedding photo of law expert Mr. Huang Yuntao and Ms. Zhu Xiaoyun
湯蟄仙先生令媛湯祥芝女士與施薔女士Ms. Tang Xiangzhi, daughter of Mr. Tang Zhixian, and Ms. Shi Qiang
邵顰倩邵蘋青女士 (兩女士有詩文刊入本期文苑欄)Ms. Shao Pinqian and Shao Pingqing (Both ladies have verses published in the Literary garden column of this issue)
江蘇省立女子蠶業學校撮影 Photo of [students] at the Jiangsu Provincial School of Sericulture for Women
華府冶春詞圖 (一千九百十六年作)/ 大行列 Prepanedness [sic.] Parade Photograph and poem on the celebration of spring in Washington D.C. (1916)/ Prepanedness [sic.] parade
華府冶春詞圖(二)/ 白堊宮White Photograph and poem on the celebration of spring in Washington D.C. (2)/ White [House]
華府冶春詞圖(三)/ 河壖路 Speedway Along PotomacPhotograph and poem on the celebration of spring in Washington D.C. (3)/ Speedway Along Potomac
羅斯福羅斯福夫人及孫利卻大培合影Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt and their grandson Richard Derby Jr.
嘉禾史夢蘭女士繡字 (史平仲先生寄贈)Embroidered calligraphy by Ms. Shi Menglan of Jiahe (sent by Mr. Shi Pingzhong)
嘉禾史夢蘭女士畫野薔薇 (史平仲先生寄贈)A painting of rambler rose by Ms. Shi Menglan of Jiahe (sent by Mr. Shi Pingzhong)
A. Wilson Dentist
帕勒託補劑 Pailetuo potion
理想家庭平面圖An ideal floor plan of a household
家庭歲入歲出預算表Worksheet for household budget of annual income and expenses
流水簿 (以一月為度)Ledger (monthly)
總清簿Balance sheet
雜用伙食簿 (以一月為度)Miscellaneous and grocery expenses (monthly)
統賬結Final account
發酵桶圖A barrel for fermentation
小豆蟲Bean beetles
衣蛾成蟲/ 巢中之幼蟲/ 幼蟲/ 卵An adult moth/ a larva in the nest/ a larva/ an egg
白蟻/ 雌蟻/ 雄蟻/ 兵蟻/ 職蟻Termite/ queen ant/ male ant/ soldier ant/ worker ant
蛹/ 幼蟲/ 卵Pupa/ larva/ egg
蟻之成蟲An adult ant
蠼螋An earwig
A fly
蛹/ 幼蟲/ 卵Pupa/ larva/ egg
捕蠅瓶A jar for capturing flies
A mosquito
卵/ 幼蟲 (孑孓)/ 蛹 (孑孓)Egg/ larva/ pupa
圖中寓意Story in the picture
兜安氏秘製保腎丸Doans backache kidney pills