Nüzi Shijie
No. 006 (31 January, 1907)
Pages available: 1 - 152 (152 total)
女子世界 秋瑾書Women's World, written by Qiu Jin
日本實踐女學校附屬清國女子師範工藝速成科第一回卒業寫真Portrait of the Qing dynasty women at Japan's practical girls' school subordinate normal school of arts and crafts, in the fast-paced course; the first graduating class
女士楊壽梅Lady Yang Shoumei
第一圖 倒影之理Figure one: How images are inverted
第三圖 取椊 Figure three: Taking out the plate
第五圖 種板及種板架Figure five: setting the plate, resting the plate, a shelf for the plate
第四圖 燒椊 Figure four: Lighting the plate
第十一圖 陰陽畫之模型Figure eleven: a model of black and white photography
唱歌集終The end of the song collection