No. 019 (22 July, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 40 (40 total)
劉國華女士玉影Precious photograph of Ms Liu Guohua
懸賞徵文捐贈精美英國信封紙之張德怡女士Ms Zhang Deyi, who donated refined envelope paper from England for the prize essay contest
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行將鑽水之姿勢The position of being about to dive into water
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中西女塾一九三一年畢業生瞿鴻佩女士玉影The precious photograph of Ms Ju Hongpei, a graduate from Zhongxi (Chinese-Western) Private Girls' School in 1931
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晏摩氏女校畢業生俞育銘女士玉影The precious photograph of Ms Yu Yuming, a graduate from Yanmoshi Girls' School
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晏摩氏女校畢業生楊球熙女士Ms Yang Qiuxi, a graduate from Yanmoshi Girls' School
婦女新裝之三New fashion for women, part 3
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周蓮君女士近影其作品見前版The recent (close-up) photo of Ms Zhou Lianjun whose article could be found in the previous issue
燙髮新樣(二):範倫鐵拿式Women's new hair perm styles (2): the style of Valentino
沈愛蓉女士近影Recent (close-up) photograph of Ms Chen Airong
摩登書室一角的佈置The arrangement of one corner of a modern study room
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一九三一年女鞋新樣The new style of women's shoes in 1931
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舞之美The beauty of dance
男子夏日之裝束Summer attire for men
游泳為夏令極妙之娛樂女子尤應離其閨閣一見天日藉游泳以健身心此中國女子游泳研究會之攝影也Swimming is a fantastic recreation in summer. Especially women should go out under the sun to enhance their physical and mental strength through swimming. This is a photo of the swimming board of Chinese women.
鍛煉劍術之攝影Photograph of practicing the art of sword
倦:她倦了,有如西下的夕陽,益覺美麗得可愛,本來太陽在落山時最好看,而女性極端的誘性,惟有在倦時才透露Fatigue: she is tired, just like the setting sun, appearing more adorably beautiful. Actually the sun is most appealing when it is setting. While the extreme temptation of women only reveals itself when she is tired.
曼琪班利耳近影Recent (or close-up) photograph of Manqi Banli´er
月得薪俸三萬元之電影明星康司登女士Movie star Ms Constance Bennett who has a monthly salary of thirty thousand yuan
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拍拉蒙新進電影明星克萊道特女士海濱留影The budding movie star Kelai Daote from Pai la meng having a photo taken at the seashore
電影明星珍妮蓋諾近影A recent photograph of the movie star Janet Gaynor