No. 011 (27 May, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 36 (36 total)
左婉芬女士玉影Precious photograph of Ms Zuo Wanfen
徐懿德女士玉影Precious photograph of Ms Xu Yide
婦女 增進婦女優美生活Women - to promote women's elegant and beautiful lives
萬國職業婦女運動會中阻礙運動之鑽桶Crawling one's way into barrels, one of the obstacle sports events in International Sports Meeting of Working Women
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亞細亞步行隊胡素娟女士抵暹羅之攝影Photograph of Ms Hu Sujuan of Asian hiking team arriving in Siam
國民會議中之劉純一女士李峙山女士及史志英女士Ms Liu Chunyi, Ms Li Zhishan and Ms Shi Zhiying at the national assembly
李遂銀女士Ms Li Suiyin
張繼英女士頗負盛名於女新聞界中Ms Zhang Jiying, very famous in the world of women's news
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上圖係「她與他」内容之一部The image above is part of the contents of "She and He"
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扶助兩要人之兩夫人宋美齡與于鳳至合影Group photo of Mrs. Song Meiling and Mrs. Yu Fengzhi, the two wives who help/assist two famous persons
摩登書房之桌椅既簡便又省地位Desk and chair in a modern study (room), convenient and room saving
你如果要稱心而又玲瓏的手表請驾臨南京路中美鐘表眼鏡公司.歡迎參觀.If you would like to buy a satisfactory and exquisite watch, the Zhongmei/Chinese-American Watch and Glasses Company on Nanjing Road is expecting your esteemed presence! Welcome to visit us.
一九三一年最新式之皮鞋A pair of leather shoes of the latest style of 1931
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歡笑為康健之母Laughing is the mother of health
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千金不換的快樂時期Precious happy times (Happy period that couldn't be traded for gold)
編輯者言Editor's note/talk
比麗吻的一幕A kissing scene of Billy
好萊塢的流行裝Fashion in Hollywood
正在攝製游泳新片之情形The Scene of making a new swimming film
瓊克勞馥窗前小坐Joan Crawford sitting in front of a window
勞萊和哈台Laurel and Hardy
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健美者的抵抗Resistance of the strong and graceful
女明星的媚眼有異乎常人的特點The leering of the female star has the peculiarity different from that of common people