No. 053 (08 June, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
關柳珠女士玉影Precious photo of Ms Guan Liuzhu
夏氏三姐妹參與某茶會中坐着為夏璐敏 (左) 夏璐韻 (右末) 夏璐瑛The three sisters of the Xias attend a tea party. Xia Lumin is sitting in the middle, (left) Xia Luyun (right end) Xia Luying
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利華皂粉Lux soap powder
利華皂粉Lux soap powder
常識Common knowledge
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芳草地上之顧女士Ms Gu sitting on lawn
她買到了便宜貨She's got some bargin priced goods
攜子歸途On the way home with kids
兩位小姐合乘一輛黃包車已成了街中極普通的一件更見得我們姊妹是節儉成性的Two ladies taking a rickshaw together is very common on the street. It is thus clear that our sisters are frugal by nature
王愛美女士Ms Wang Aimei
高雲影女士Ms Gao Yunying
網球裝Tennis suit
裸體生活The nudist life
日光園中一個健康的少女A healthy girl in the sunbathing area
電影明星髮 卡羅郎巴 [三圖]The hairstyle of the movie star Carole Lombard (three pictures)
美娜羅埃 [三圖]Myrna Loy (three pictures)
聯華歌舞班黎莉莉女士乃"火山復仇記"主角Ms Li Lili from the singing and dancing class of Lianhua is the heroin of "The Revenge of Volcano"
以表情見長之電影明星周文珠女士前隸於聯華,今已脫離,彼擬往廣西拍戲。Ms Zhou Wenzhu, the movie star who is good at facial expression belonged to Lianhua before, but now not any more. She plans to go to Guangxi to play a role in a movie
明星之家庭佈置Domestic arrangement of stars
陶樂賽德里奧之夫婿,為MGM佈置主任,彼等居於一摩登式的新屋中,極覺暢快。The husband of Taolesaideli'ao is the domestic design manager of MGM. They live in a new modern house, very pleasant.
開弗蘭錫絲之起居室,一仍舊式,蓋頗舒適也。The living room of Kay Francis is still in old style because it is rather comfortable
男子的娛樂--姬妾成羣The entertainment of men - concubines in groups
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逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
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卡羅倫巴最近的玉影Recent precious photo of Carole Lombard
明星公司第一次上發音片舊時京華主角朱秋痕女士Ms Zhu Qiuhen, the heroin of "The Glory of Peking in the old times", the sound film presented by Star Company for the first time