No. 085 (15 February, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
陳佩君女士之最近倩影a recent photo of Ms. Chen Peijun
渭風小學教職員合影a group portrait of the staffs at the Weifeng Elementary School
玲瓏信箱The Linglong Mailbox
常識Common knowledge
法律顧問Legal Counsel
愛國女校畢業生王海倫女士Ms. Wang Hailun, a graduate from the Aiguo Girls' School
陸麗霞女士近影a recent photo of Ms. Lu Lixia
女子體育women's sport
天津南開女中排球隊the volley ball team of Nankai Grils' School in Tianjin
中國女體專之體操(三圖)Girls at the Chinese Girls' Physical Education College doing gymnastics (three pictures)
花一般地嬌艷的新星羅賽赫遜之倩影a picture of the new star Luosaihexun who is like a beautiful flower
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
編輯者言Editor's note
甜姐兒南錫卡露和她的愛女the beauty Nancy Carroll and her daughter
摩蓮奧莎莉文倩影a beautiful picture of Maureen O'Sullivan
風騷女郎露泊范麗絲之熱情the passion of the hot girl Lupe Vélez
底封面: 女星密爾娜萊近影back cover: a recent photo of the star Mi'ernalai