No. 241 (17 June, 1936)
Pages available: 1 - 80 (80 total)
沈爾敏小姐Miss Shen Ermin
短跑健將李葆英女士Sprinter Mrs. Li Baoying
天津名閨周冠儀女士Miss Zhou Guanyi the famous lady in Tianjin
凭窗By window
啟秀女中周素蓮小姐Lady Zhou Sulian from Qixiu middle school for girls
從舞台到銀幕的一員 吳玲小姐Miss Wu Ling, who is from stage to screen
小朋友的名字叫沈建武The name of this child is Shen Jianwu
葛露麗斯都亞Gloria Stuart
波賴史東Paula Stone
no captionno caption
這個姿勢好嗎?Does this posture look good?
排排坐Seating in a line
學做情人Learn to be a lover