No. 282 (21 April, 1937)
Pages available: 1 - 80 (80 total)
北平名媛徐麗娜女士近影The close-up picture of the socialite aristocracy Ms. Xu Lina
歷屆兒童演説競賽第一名小演說家張銀蟾小姐Miss Zhang Yinchan, the first little speaker of all Children's Speech Contests
小姊妹淘Little Sisters
葉家小姊妹Little sisters from the family Ye
陳娟娟的小朋友Chen Juanjuan's litte friends
小頑皮葛佐治 - 騎牛Ride a cattle
小頑皮葛佐治 - 騎車Ride a bike
神奇燙印紙The aagical water transfer printing
音樂家夏國瓊女士Musician Ms. Xia Guoqiong
春郊試車Try the bikes on the outskirts in spring
春郊試車Try the bikes on the outskirts in spring
春郊試車Try the bikes on the outskirts in spring
世界攝影名作Wordly famous photographs
常識Comman knowledge
兇手在死者寢室補述行兇情形,警署人員筆錄記下The Murderer discribed the murder scene in the room of the dead afterwards. The policemen put it down in writing.
被害人喬奇醫生The victim Doctor George
Jean Arthur 琴亞瑟Jean Arthur
Annabella 安娜貝拉Annabella
Simone Simor 茜蒙茜蒙Simone Simor
珍 派克Jean Parker
家庭乒乓柱Standard table tennis
婦女生活Women's life