Funü zazhi
No. 003 (28 February, 1917)
Pages available: 1 - 148 (148 total)
婦女雜誌第三卷第三號 Ladies' Journal volume 3, issue three
愛讀婦女雜誌者琴川陸逸塵女士小影Photograph of Mrs. Lu Yichen from Qinchuan
上海愛國女學學生盛錦紈馮復新繪工筆美人畫二幅 (一)溪畔浣紗 (二)花間讀畫Two paintings of beauties by Shanghai nationalist students Sheng Jinwan and Feng Fuxin (one) On the bank of a creek washing silk (two) Looking at a painting among flowers)
湖南私立周南女子師範學校學生烹飪攝影Photograph of cooking at Hunan Zhounan private girls' normal school
日本東京高等蠶桑學校肄業生姚鋈君與北京女子師範畢業生陳淑瑗女士結婚攝影Tokyo Japan. Wedding photograph of sericulture college student Yao Wujun and Beijing girls' normal graduate Chen Shuyuan
社說Editorial [title page]
學藝門Learning and skills [title page]
家政門Home economics [title page]
記述門Records [title page]
文苑 Literary garden [title page]
小說Fiction [title page]
國文範作Exemplary essays [title page]
雜俎Miscellaneous collection [title page]
餘興Entertainment [title page]
no caption
no caption--science experiment
no caption-- bird
no caption-- bird
第一圖 -六圖Figure one -- six
第一圖 第二圖FIgures one and two
第七圖 Figure seven
第八圖Figure eight
no caption--stele
第十圖Figure ten