Funü zazhi
No. 003 (28 February, 1918)
Pages available: 1 - 168 (168 total)
婦女雜誌第四卷第三號 Ladies' Journal volume four, issue three
科學界之明星Science world celebrity
新安吳淑娟女士畫春花齊放圖三色版精印Mrs. Wu Shujuan's painting Spring flowers blooming (three-coloured fine printed picture)
社說Editorial [title page]
學藝Learning and skills [title page]
no cpat
no captio
no caption
no caption
image of a hut
no caption
家政Home economics [title page]
紀述Records [title page]
小說Fiction [title page]
woman reading at a desk
no caption
no caption
no caption
no caption, figures at a table
no caption
no caption--women playing tennis
no caption-- figures inside a room
國文範作Exemplary essays [title page]
雜俎Miscellaneous collection [title page]
餘興Entertainment [title page]
no caption (images of customs)
no caption--landscape