Funü zazhi
No. 002 (01 February, 1923)
Pages available: 1 - 165 (165 total)
婦女雜誌第九卷第二號The ladies' journal volume 9, issue 2
李石岑先生與胡曼君女士蜜月旅行之攝影Honeymoon photography of Mr. Li Shicen and Ms. Hu Manjun
呂碧城女士Ms. Lu Bicheng
美國第一個女參議員弗爾頓夫人The first female senator in the United States---Rebecca Latimer Felton
燕雝臺女校校舍(一) (二)Les Hilondelles Female school building 1 & 2
蒼蠅在玻璃片上爬過之後用顯微鏡照看見有微生物發育起來的形狀Flies on the glass after climbing with a microscope to see the shape of micro-organisms developed