Funü zazhi
No. 001 (31 December, 1926)
Pages available: 1 - 244 (244 total)
李村女姑塔Girl tower in the village of Li
匯泉炮臺Huiquan Fort
日本人所建的神社The shrine built by the Japanese
四面鐘 (山東夏東生君摄贈)four-sided clock
勞山華嚴泉LaoShan Huayan spring
(4) 奧略樓在黃鶴樓後方張昌炎君攝贈
(3) 愛之歸宿 嘉興高學海君攝贈
(1) 荼禪夕照
(2) 湖南之濱The coast of Hunan
新时代的主婦Housewife in new era
金缕式的套圈書法Golden loop calligraphy
白描仕女 (桂華)Beutiful women in line painting (Gui Hua)
室内運動機Domestic exercise machine
家庭用費的支配問題The domination of household expenses
火岛松 Pine on volcano
烟雨耕田Planting in the rain
蓮傘Lotus umbrella
江村春雨 長松拱壽
綠珠Lu zhu
不上鈎的魚小姐Unhooked Ms. fish
慈悲的兔兒Merciful rabbit
手提的電影攝影機Portable movie camera
箱式的濾器Box-type filter
體溫記載表 / 脈搏記載表Body temperature record table / pulse record table
刺繡術的淺說Talk about simple embroidery