Funü zazhi
No. 009 (01 September, 1928)
Pages available: 1 - 154 (154 total)
婦女雜誌第十四卷第九號The Ladies' Journal Vol. 14 No. 9
金山縣立第一女子高等小學校全體攝影The photography of the first female primary school in Jinshan County
金山私立尚同女子初級中學校第一屆畢業生攝影(民國十六年六月)The first graduate photography of Shang tong girls private junior high school in Jinshan county.
鹫的奮翮The eagle's excitement
新兵器三種Three new weapons
息夫人Madame Xi
懸鈎夫人官像Madam Xuangou
美裝新裝與奇裝異服Beauty and fashion new clothes and bizarre clothes
薛素素Xue susu
嘉藕怨藕Harmonious couple and discordant couple