Funü zazhi
No. 009 (31 August, 1929)
Pages available: 1 - 146 (146 total)
婦女第十五卷第九號The Ladies Journal, volume 15 issue 9
美女牌葡萄干Sun-maid seedless raisins
美女牌葡萄干Sun-maid seedless raisins
秋江晚眺Overlooking the river in an autumn night
用法蘭絨製衣適意耐用Use Viyella to make clothes comfortable and durable
用法蘭絨製衣適意耐用Use Viyella to make clothes comfortable and durable
用法蘭絨製衣適意耐用Use Viyella to make clothes comfortable and durable
李唯真女士遺像并小傳The portrait of Miss Li Weizhen and her biography
廣東省立第三師範學校/女童軍攝影Guangdong s no. 3 provincial normal school/ the photo of girl scouts
松下孤亭The temple under pine trees
松磯靜釣Finishing quietly under pine trees
如有疼痛If you feel painful
她的父母終究不錯/出牙蛔蟲均投以嬰孩自己藥片而獲愈Her parents are good after all/ Teething and roundworms are treated by baby s own tablets
杭州女生之手腕/ 潔淨無疵足證如意膏之功效The wrist of Hangzhou girls/ Clean and no defect which fully prove the efficacy of She-ko
杭州女生之手腕/ 潔淨無疵足證如意膏之功效The wrist of Hangzhou girls/ Clean and no defect which fully prove the efficacy of She-ko
婦女第十五卷第九號The Ladies Journal vol. 15 no. 9
必清潔而後始能強健為護牙之要訣/ 絲帶牌擦牙膏Clean and strong are the most important secrets/ Ribbon dental cream
必清潔而後始能強健為護牙之要訣/ 絲帶牌擦牙膏Clean and strong are the most important secrets/ Ribbon dental cream
寶華乾牛奶與母乳無異There is no difference between momilk and breast milk
童書Children s calligraphy
大洋四元五角之價值The value of four and half Dayang
大洋四元五角之價值The value of four and half Dayang
大力果乾牛奶Dryco dry milk
大力果乾牛奶Dryco dry milk
牙敵污膜Teeth s enemy dark film
牙敵污膜Teeth s enemy dark film
司丹康美髮霜Stacome hair treatment cream
司丹康美髮霜Stacome hair treatment cream
司丹康美髮霜Stacome hair treatment cream
生旦淨丑 競献雅奏Regardless of male roles, female roles, roles with painted faces and clowns, the sound will be presented nicely
生旦淨丑 競献雅奏Regardless of male roles, female roles, roles with painted faces and clowns, the sound will be presented nicely
生旦淨丑 競献雅奏Regardless of male roles, female roles, roles with painted faces and clowns, the sound will be presented nicely
福美明達保喉藥片Formamint for sore throat
福美明達保喉藥片Formamint for sore throat
福美明達保喉藥片Formamint for sore throat
白描仕女/ 薛媛Line drawings of traditional Chinese ladies/ Xue Yuan
愛蘭百利代乳粉The allenburys milk powder
愛蘭百利代乳粉The allenburys milk powder
西蒙香蜜粉Simon Creme
西蒙香蜜粉Simon Creme
西蒙香蜜粉Simon Creme
東山遺韻The poem composed on East Mountains
自來水筆/ 活動鉛筆Fountain pen/ Mechanical pencil
康氏奧南精美重生新髮生髮水Consolame delicate hair tonic that helps grow new hair
種德園著名良藥Zhong de yuan famous medicine
德國蔡司伊康照相器German Zeiss Ikon camera
德國蔡司伊康照相器German Zeiss Ikon camera