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Chinese Womens Magazine - Linglong - 1931
No. 008 (06 May, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 36 (36 total)
陳美珥女士肄業于光華大學(其作品見本刊第七期) Ms. Chen Meier graduated from Guanghua University (her work, see Issue 7)
李瑞初女士畢業于 啟秀女塾 Ms.Li Ruichu graduated from Qixiu Girl School
廉美的服飾 Clothes of Good Value
婦女 增進婦女優美生活 Women - to promote women's elegant and beautiful lives
母親紀念日 Mother's Day
廉美的服飾 Clothes of Good Value
本文作者沈詒祥女士玉影 Photograph of this article's writer Ms Shen Yixiang
女子與縫紉 Women and Embroidery
本文作者李霞女士 Ms Li Xia, author of this article
報告: 閨秀名媛吸鴉片的驚人新聞 Report: Striking News about Well-educated Ladies Consuming Opium
兒童健身法 Children's Health Law
兒童健身法 Children's Health Law
美容捷徑 (續) Short Way to a Good Makeup (continued)
作者曹繍翎女士 Writer Ms Cao Xiuling
女性化的[男生同性戀愛] Feminized "Male Homosexuality"
婦人之真相 The Truth About Married Women
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她與他 She and He
不嫁的女子也會快樂 Unmarried Women Can Also Become/Be Happy
電報 Telegram
攝影畫報 Pictorial Weekly
不嫁的女子也會快樂 Unmarried Women Can Also Become/Be Happy
先施公司 The Sincere & Co. Ltd.
對于選擇夫婿問題的貢獻 Contribution to the question of how to choose a husband
最摩登的姑孃沒有處女美 Virgins are more beautiful than the most modern ladies.
新娘新郎的常識 Common Knowledge on Brides and Grooms
新娘新郎的常識 Common Knowledge on Brides and Grooms
用餘剩的短鉛線,灣成如圖中所示的樣子可以做臨時鈅匙圈,是廢物利用的法子 Bending the remainder of a short lead wire as it is shown in the picture, you can make a temporary bunch of key. This is an idea of utilizing the waste material.
我的掃除法 My methods for cleaning up
開得門來途為之塞 When one opens the door, the way is blocked.
我的掃除法 My methods for cleaning up
美國最新式小家庭所用的椅子式樣既別緻適用例如欲二三人對坐則可將椅分為三張.不用時仍可三合併.成一沙發椅如圖所示. The newest style of chairs used in small households in the United States. Its style is both chic and practical. For example, it can be divided into three chairs if two or three persons want to sit face-to-face and can be assembled into a couch again as it is shown in the picture.
急救知覺的良法 Helpful First Aid Rules in Case of Unconsciousness
你如果要稱心而又玲瓏的手錶請駕臨南京路中美鍾表眼鏡公司!歡迎參觀。 If you would like to buy a satisfactory and exquisite watch, the Zhongmei/Chinese-American Watch and Glasses Company on Nanjing Road is expecting your esteemed presence! Welcome to visit us.
你如果要稱心而又玲瓏的手表請驾臨南京路中美鐘表眼鏡公司.歡迎參觀. If you would like to buy a satisfactory and exquisite watch, the Zhongmei/Chinese-American Watch and Glasses Company on Nanjing Road is expecting your esteemed presence! Welcome to visit us.
說話不容易 It's not easy to talk
時髦家庭佈置的要品,巴黎藝美鏡架 Essential articles for furnishing a stylish house. Paris Yimei photo frames.
男子時髦服裝的常識(下) Common Knowledge on men's fashionable clothes (continued)
男子時髦服裝的常識(下) Common Knowledge on men's fashionable clothes (continued)
居家應有的常識 Necessary Common Knowledge on Housekeeping
編輯者言 Editor´s Note
惠風女校幼稚園的學生 Pupils from the kindergarten of Huifeng's Women's School, innocent and lively
快快預定,過期加價 Subscribe quickly, after this promotion the price will be raised
獎品一千元 1000 Yuan prize
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Linloon Magazine
定報價目 The subscription price
底片保留袋 film sleeves
睡眠的緊要 The importance of sleep
睡眠的緊要 The importance of sleep
[No caption]
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拍運動照片 Photographing sports
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/ Dancing With Tears In My Eyes
城市之光(觀影同志會報告) The lights of the city (Comrade Guang Ying reports)
三和公司代辦部 信託部
中外電影明星照片 Photos of Chinese and Foreign Movie Stars
羅烈泰揚的情史 Loretta Young's love story (history)
威脫夫人的時裝小影 Fashion photo of Lady/Madam Withers
彭里昂戲妻 Ben Lyon teases his wife
一幅彭郎戲妻圖 Picture of young Ben Lyon teasing his wife
接吻競賽大會(銀星之吻(六)) Contest of Kissing (Kisses on the screen (part 6) )
巴勃拉司坦維克與考脫克斯的吻姿 Kissing position of Barbara Stanwyck and Ricardo Cortez
嘗試 Tasting
她愛嘗嘗滋味看 She likes tasting
少女的煩惱 Girls' worries
少女的煩惱 Girls' worries
坐在電影院里 (Sitting) in the movie theatre
提高社會高尚娛樂 Encouraging tasteful entertainment in society
她悲哀痛苦的時候,要拋棄一切不顧形骸.德國攝影傑作. While she is in deep sorrow and pain, she should abandon everything without giving any thought to her appearance. German photograph masterpiece
電影明星邱啓兒表演愛你的媚眼 Movie star Churchill with a seductive gaze.