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Chinese Womens Magazine - Funü Shibao - 1911
Funü Shibao
No. 001 (11 June, 1911)
Pages available: 1 - 114 (114 total)
水彩畫時裝仕女封面 Front cover: Watercolour painting of fashionable women
婦女時報第一期目錄 Funu shibao issue 1 table of content
肅親王福晉禮冠朝服之影 Photo of the wife [concubine] of Prince Shu in ceremonial headdress and court dress
東三省總督趙次帥夫人 Wife of the Governor-general of Three Manchuarian Provinces [Dongsansheng], General Zhao
那親王之媳 Daughter-in-law of Prince Na
澤公福晉 Wife of Noble Ze
金陶陶女士畫魚扇 Fish fan painted by Ms. Jin Taotao
金陶陶女士小影 Photo of Ms. Jin Taotao
莊蘩詩女士小影 Photo of Ms. Zhuang Fanshi
莊蘩詩女士書孫潤夫人木蘭詞 [Calligraphy] Mulanci by Ms. Zhuang Fanshi
蘇州葉天錫女士 Ms. Ye Tianxi from Suzhou
余沈壽女士 Ms. Yu Shen Shou
余沈壽女士繡意大利皇后像 Embroidered portrait of the Italian Queen by Ms. Yu Shen Shou
北洋女子公學師範科學生撮影 Photo of the students at the normal division of the Beiyang Public School for women
奉天女師範學堂為俄國女學生開歡迎會 Welcome party for the Russian female students at the Fengtian Normal School for Women
北京女學界為呂清揚呂碧城二女士開歡迎會 Welcoming party for Ms. Lü Qingyang and Ms.Lü Bingcheng by the female teachers and students in Beijing
日本半古氏夫人之妹著[木尾] 田式改良新式服 Younger sister of Japanese Madame Hanko [error, Hanko personal name] wearing new fashion modified from Kajita-style reformed new-style clothing
日本婦女會研究新式之裝束 New fashion developed by the Japanese Women's Society
日本女子扮武力士 A Japanese woman dressed up as a warrior
歐洲女子最時式之大帽子 Most fashionable wide-brimmed hats worn by European women
歐洲女子之戎裝 Hunting outfits worn by European women
咸陽古渡 A river passageway of ancient Xianyang
華清宮牆 Walls of Huangqing Palace
驪山 Mount Li
破天荒中國女子之凌空 A groundbreaking move: A Chinese woman flying an airplane
毆女演凌空出地球之新戲 A European woman performing a drama about leaving the earth for the outerspace
日惹王宮女子舞蹈戲 Women performing a dance at the Kraton Yogykarta [Yogykarta Palace, Central Java]
發刊詞 Inaugural essay
論女界積弊 On the longstanding weaknesses of women
論女界積弊 On the longstanding weaknesses of women
論女界積弊 On the longstanding weaknesses of women
論女界積弊 On the longstanding weaknesses of women
論女界積弊 On the longstanding weaknesses of women
家庭教育論 On family education
家庭教育論 On family education
家庭教育論 On family education
家庭教育論 On family education
家庭教育論 On family education
家庭教育論 On family education
嫉妒哲學 - 動物之嫉妒 Philosophy of jealousy - jealousy of animals
嫉妒哲學 - 動物之嫉妒 Philosophy of jealousy - jealousy of animals
嫉妒哲學 - 動物之嫉妒 Philosophy of jealousy - jealousy of animals
英國運動婦人參政權之領袖(芬克利脫女士/ 曼利克生波女士) Leaders of the women's suffrage movement in the Great Britain (Ms. Fenke Lituo & Ms. Manli Keshengbo)
嫉妒哲學 - 動物之嫉妒 Philosophy of jealousy - jealousy of animals
嫉妒哲學 - 動物之嫉妒 Philosophy of jealousy - jealousy of animals
[no caption]
嫉妒哲學 - 動物之嫉妒 Philosophy of jealousy - jealousy of animals
婦人之種種 News about women
產婦之心得及實驗談 A woman's [insights] and experience on childbirth
產婦之心得及實驗談 A woman's [insights] and experience on childbirth
產婦之心得及實驗談 A woman's [insights] and experience on childbirth
產婦之心得及實驗談 A woman's [insights] and experience on childbirth
掉經娘 Textile mill workers
掉經娘 Textile mill workers
[no caption]
掉經娘 Textile mill workers
掉經娘 Textile mill workers
貧婦育弱兒之苦心談 On the hardships of an impoverished woman raising her frail children
貧婦育弱兒之苦心談 On the hardships of an impoverished woman raising her frail children
兒笑之圖 Picture of a laughing baby
貧婦育弱兒之苦心談 On the hardships of an impoverished woman raising her frail children
兒哭之圖 Picture of a crying baby
貧婦育弱兒之苦心談 On the hardships of an impoverished woman raising her frail children
美國勃靈馬爾女子大學記 Bryn Mawr College [for Women] in the United States
美國勃靈馬爾女子大學記 Bryn Mawr College [for Women] in the United States
美國文學家利威士女士 American author Ms. Liweishi [Lewis? Louise?]
美國勃靈馬爾女子大學記 Bryn Mawr College [for Women] in the United States
美國勃靈馬爾女子大學記 Bryn Mawr College [for Women] in the United States
美國勃靈馬爾女子大學記 Bryn Mawr College [for Women] in the United States
美國華得夫人與其女阿娜論飲食書 A letter on the topic of eating, from the American Mrs. Huade to her Daughter A Na [Anna?]
美國華得夫人與其女阿娜論飲食書 A letter on the topic of eating, from the American Mrs. Huade to her Daughter A Na [Anna?]
北戴河遊記 Beidaihe Travelogue
北戴河遊記 Beidaihe Travelogue
手影圖一 Hand shadow (1)
北戴河遊記 Beidaihe Travelogue
北戴河遊記 Beidaihe Travelogue
手影圖二 Hand shadow (2)
北戴河遊記 Beidaihe Travelogue
北戴河遊記 Beidaihe Travelogue
如皋旅行記 Rugao travelogue
如皋旅行記 Rugao travelogue
如皋旅行記 Rugao travelogue
美國女子之職業 American women's occupations
美國女子之職業 American women's occupations
婦女職業之一﹕ 日本電話局之交換手 Women's occupations 1: telephone operators in Japan
美國女子之職業 American women's occupations
美國女子之職業 American women's occupations
婦女教育叢談之一 (論童話) Women's education 1 (About children's fables)
婦女教育叢談之一 (論童話) Women's education 1 (About children's fables)
婦女教育叢談之一 (論童話) Women's education 1 (About children's fables)
婦女教育叢談之一 (論童話) Women's education 1 (About children's fables)
手影圖四 Hand shadow (4)
婦女教育叢談之一 (論童話) Women's education 1 (About children's fables)
婦女教育叢談之一 (論童話) Women's education 1 (About children's fables)
紀禮拜日之倫敦 Remembering Sundays in London
紀禮拜日之倫敦 Remembering Sundays in London
英國運動婦人參政權之領袖(芬克爾脫女士) Leaders of the women's suffrage movement in the Great Britain (Ms. Fenkeertuo)
紀禮拜日之倫敦 Remembering Sundays in London
英國運動婦人參政權之領袖(特拉孟特女士) Leaders of the women's suffrage movement in the Great Britain (Ms. Telamengte)
巴黎之春 Spring in Paris
英國運動婦人參政權之領袖(史耐士女士) Leaders of the women's suffrage movement in the Great Britain (Ms. Shinaishi)
巴黎之春 Spring in Paris
手影圖五 Hand shadow (5)
包仲宣女士哀辭 Lament for Ms. Bao Zhongxuan
巴黎之春 Spring in Paris
包仲宣女士哀辭 Lament for Ms. Bao Zhongxuan
英國運動婦人參政權之領袖(利姒登女士) Leaders of the women's suffrage movement in the Great Britain (Ms. Lisideng)
包仲宣女士哀辭 Lament for Ms. Bao Zhongxuan
[no caption]
上海婦女之新裝束 Shanghai women's new fashion
女子新游戲:賣花聲 New game [dance] for women: the song of selling flowers
女子新游戲:賣花聲 New game [dance] for women: the song of selling flowers
女子新游戲:賣花聲 New game [dance] for women: the song of selling flowers
女子新游戲:賣花聲 New game [dance] for women: the song of selling flowers
男服裁法 (一)﹕ 袍子 Sewing patterns for men's clothing (1): robe
[no caption]
男服裁法 (一)﹕ 袍子 Sewing patterns for men's clothing (1): robe
春不老菜之製法 Recipe for pickled vegetables
春不老菜之製法 Recipe for pickled vegetables
皮脂漏之療法 Treatment for excessive skin oil
皮脂漏之療法 Treatment for excessive skin oil
月季之造花 (一名月月紅) Instructions for making paper Chinese rose
第一圖 Figure 1
月季之造花 (一名月月紅) Instructions for making paper Chinese rose
第二圖 Figure 2
第三圖 Figure 3
第四圖 Figure 4
月季之造花 (一名月月紅) Instructions for making paper Chinese rose
第五圖 Figure 5
第六圖 Figure 6
第七圖 Figure 7
第八圖 Figure 8
吾家之財政 Our household finances
落花怨 Regrets of the fallen flower
落花怨 Regrets of the fallen flower
落花怨 Regrets of the fallen flower
[no caption]
落花怨 Regrets of the fallen flower
落花怨 Regrets of the fallen flower
手影圖三 Hand shadow (3)
落花怨 Regrets of the fallen flower
落花怨 Regrets of the fallen flower
落花怨 Regrets of the fallen flower
落花怨 Regrets of the fallen flower
虛榮 Vanity
虛榮 Vanity
虛榮 Vanity
虛榮 Vanity
虛榮 Vanity
虛榮 Vanity
虛榮 Vanity
紡綢衫之話 About silk shirts [tops]
婦女與紙煙 Women and cigarettes
婦女與紙煙 Women and cigarettes
女學生之家庭教育嘆 Family education of female students
祝婦女時報出版文 Congratulatory essay on the publication of Funü shibao
祝婦女時報出版文 Congratulatory essay on the publication of Funü shibao
曹暪 Cao Men
王桀 Wang Jie
夕陽 The setting Sun
時局 Current affairs
寒食題虎阜真娘墓 A poem on the theme of the tomb of Zhenniang at Hufu, written on Hanshi festival
燈花 Lantern and flowers
春燕 Swallows in spring
春間雜詠 Poems on the theme of Spring
題俠女仗劍圖 Colophon for the painting of a female knight-errant wielding a sword
上海竹枝詞 (原詩十六首刪六) Shanghai bamboo ballad verse (16 songs are in the original, 6 were edited out here)
上海竹枝詞 (原詩十六首刪六) Shanghai bamboo ballad verse (16 songs are in the original, 6 were edited out here)
轉應曲: subtitle unclear [In the melody of] Zhuan ying qü
風蝶令: subtitle unclear [In the melody of] Feng die ling
瑤臺聚八仙: subtitle unclear [In the melody of] Yao tai jü ba xian
編輯室 Editor's office
我鄉婚嫁之風俗記事文 Marriage customs of my native place
有正書局各種美術圖畫價目 Pricelist of art books published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印各種圖畫價目 Pricelist of high quality art books published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印美術圖畫價目 Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印美術圖畫價目 Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局發行各種碑帖價目 Pricelist of ink rubbings published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局發行各種碑帖墨跡價目 Pricelist of ink rubbings and calligraphy published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局精印各種美術圖畫楹聯目錄 Catalogue of high quality prints of painting and calligraphy published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局各種美術畫圖目錄 Catalogue of art prints published by Youzheng Bookstore
艷籢花影 Photographs of beautiful courtesans [dressing cases from the flower world]
海上驚鴻影 Photographs of [graces of Shanghai]
全國學堂影相 Photographs of students of schools across China
有正書局各種書籍發行 Books published by Youzheng Bookstore
有正書局各種書籍發行 Books published by Youzheng Bookstore